Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
SC2.9 | Research project management – tips and tricks for future science coordinators
Research project management – tips and tricks for future science coordinators
Convener: Sylvia Walter | Co-conveners: Geertje ter MaatECSECS, Daniela Henkel, Paola Materia, Sofia Mariano
Research projects requires scientific excellence! This is self-evident, but… there is much more! This concerns both, your own project, but particularly if you want to lead a scientific consortium in an international project with several partners.
In this short course we will provide you the basics on research project management, over the whole life cycle of a project starting from the idea along the implementation until the time beyond your project. What project management related topics do you have to consider already in the proposal phase? What is needed to satisfy your funding agency, e.g., the European Commission? And how to plan the impact and visibility you would like to create with your project?

These are some of the questions which will be part of this short course. We will
share tips and tricks on how to successfully manage your scientific project from concept to closure and to avoid avoidable pitfalls.

This short course is a follow-up on the courses given at previous EGUs before the pandemic. The feedback was very positive so that we would like to offer this option again. Thus, if you’re a scientist with no background in research project management this course is for you, as you will learn how to apply project management principles to a wide variety of research projects from field-trips to large international collaborations.
If you’re an early-career scientist or a starting coordinator of consortia based projects, this course is great to get a good grasp of the effort necessary to run scientific projects and learn how you can make your academic life easier from the start with smart, easy-to-use tools and templates.
If you’re an experienced research project manager we’d love to hear about your work and for you to share your tips and lessons learnt with us.