SC3.4 | Mind your Head: Scared of giving presentations?
Mind your Head: Scared of giving presentations?
Co-organized by GM12/NH12/PS9
Convener: Maxime GrandinECSECS | Co-conveners: Anita Di Chiara, Saioa A. Campuzano, Rebekka Steffen, Janina J. NettECSECS
Mon, 24 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Mon, 16:15
Giving presentations of our work or a lecture in front of an audience is an intrinsic part of any stage of the academic career and beyond. Giving a presentation can be stressful, in terms of preparation and delivery, and it can be scary, in terms of standing in front of an audience with the focus on your presentation. This uncomfortable feeling can reach points where it may hinder your possibilities, it can turn into ‘stage fright’ or even be a cause of giving up a career in science. It can happen in any career stage, from your first ever presentation to your 40th one. In this short course we focus on different aspects of presentation anxiety, sharing strategies how to deal with it, and we will provide a platform for the questions you may have but did not dare ask your supervisor or your peers.
This short course is offered by the Life-Work-Balance Group.

In this Short Course, three invited speakers will cover various topics concerning how to overcome one's fear of giving a presentation. They will share their tips, give concrete examples, and propose simple exercises to work on one's voice, posture and presentation pitch. One aim of the Short Course is to encourage discussions, so the format will allocate a significant fraction of time for asking questions to the speakers.


  • Sam Illingworth, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
  • Elena Spagnuolo, Ist. Naz. Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy
  • Iris van Zelst, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom