SC4.10 | Hydroinformatics for hydrology: Introduction to large-scale hydrological modelling
Hydroinformatics for hydrology: Introduction to large-scale hydrological modelling
Co-organized by CL6/HS11, co-sponsored by YHS
Convener: Maurizio Mazzoleni | Co-conveners: Sina Khatami, Harsh Beria, Hannes Müller-Thomy, Nilay Dogulu
Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Wed, 08:30
One of the major challenges in water resources management today and in the coming future is reducing the risk related to extreme events, i.e. floods and droughts, mainly through a reliable flow prediction. Large-scale hydrological models have been widely proposed to gain insights into dominant water processes, quantify the role of human-water interactions, and identify emergent global patterns in a changing world.

This short course aims at gaining a better understanding of:
- Historical overview of the field
- State-of-the-art, example studies
- Future directions, emerging opportunities
- How you could get started in large-scale hydrological modelling

We are delighted to announce Dr. Niko Wanders from Utrecht University as the lecturer of this short course.

This will be the sixth year that the Hydroinformatics for Hydrology short course is run. The previous themes of the course were data-driven and hybrid techniques, data assimilation, geostatistical modelling, uncertain analysis, and extreme value modelling.

We kindly invite early career hydrologic researchers (MSc students, Ph.D. candidates, and post-doctoral researchers) to attend this short course. Please note that pre-registration is not necessary. The course will be open to a limited number of participants selected on a first come-first served basis. We suggest you arrive at the room assigned a little earlier to ensure you find an empty seat.

For any additional information, please contact the conveners. In cooperation with the Young Hydrologic Society (