SC2.6 | Mind your head: Life-Work-Balance - What does it mean?
Mind your head: Life-Work-Balance - What does it mean?
Co-organized by GM12/NH12
Convener: Saioa A. Campuzano | Co-conveners: Rebekka Steffen, Anita Di Chiara, Silvia De AngeliECSECS, Selina Kiefer
Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Thu, 14:00
Life-work-balance or more commonly known as work-life-balance is a synonym for working conditions where you also have enough spare time to enjoy your life. But, is it that easy? And what is more important in case of overlap: the “life” or the “work”? In this short course, we discuss life-work-balance and its meaning in different countries within academia. Is every country, every institution treating life-work-balance the same way? How do they differ? What are the measures already in place? We will invite panelists to present their current conditions or talk about their vision of a good life-work-balance in academia and what needs to be changed. In addition, we would like to hear from the attendees; We will conduct a survey about the meaning and settings of a life-work-balance, and discuss the results during the short course. Afterwards we aim to actively engage the audience to discuss how we can improve the life-work-balance conditions at the various institutions and how we can help employees to achieve a good life-work-balance for themselves. We invite people from all career stages and disciplines to come and join us for this short course.
This short course is offered by the Life-Work-Balance Working Group.

As part of the short course we are conducting a survey about the meaning and settings of a life-work balance. The results will be discussed at the short course. Please answer our questions in the survey here: Many thanks!


  • Eleanna Asvestari, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Dedalo Marchetti, INGV, Italy
  • Mengxuan Fan, Jilin University, China