Meet the editors (1): how to write and revise your manuscript
Co-organized by GM12
Elena Cristiano
Kirsten M Florentine Weber,
Faranak Tootoonchi,
Romano Clementucci,
Massimiliano Schiavo
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) Room 0.96/97
Wed, 10:45
Nadav Peleg, assistant professor at the University of Lausanne, is an editor in the Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) journal and Journal of Hydrology. He will recall some basic aspects of paper writing and will give practical tips on how to get started, how to structure the paper, and how to address reviewers' comments. - You are welcome to submit any questions for our speaker before the course by contacting the conveners.
The course is open to everyone, although the number of seats is limited by the capacity of the room. If you want to sit, be on time. For any additional information, please contact the conveners.
Don't miss out on "Meet the editors / part 2: how to publish and peer-review”!