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NP5.4 | Coupled Data Assimilation, Observations, and Uncertainties in the Earth System
Coupled Data Assimilation, Observations, and Uncertainties in the Earth System
Convener: Lars Nerger | Co-conveners: Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, Anna Teruzzi, Patricia de Rosnay, Zofia Stanley
Coupled models simulate different components and their interactions in the Earth system. The formulation of the component models and their interactions induces several uncertainties. Further, correlated uncertainties between the components are generated by the coupled model dynamics. To constrain models and reduce their uncertainties, data assimilation can integrate observational information with models. Cross-component or strongly-coupled assimilation exploits correlations between different components to jointly update coupled components. The estimation of cross-correlations either by ensembles or in parameterized form together with the nonlinearity of the dynamics poses significant challenges due to limited ensemble size and implicit approximations adopted in parameterization.

We invite contributions on data assimilation into coupled models. The applications of interest extend through the Earth system like atmosphere, ocean and sea ice, land surface and shallow subsurface including hydrology, ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles and glaciology, solid Earth (deeper subsurface) and geodesy. Contributions on weakly and strongly coupled data assimilation - methodology and applications, including Numerical Prediction, Environmental forecasts, Earth system monitoring, reanalysis, etc., as well as computational aspects of data assimilation into Earth system models are welcome. Of interest are also contributions focusing on coupled covariances and uncertainty quantification for coupled models. Further, we welcome contributions studying the added value of observations (e.g., on constraining inter-component fluxes) at the interface of component and collocated observations at interfaces.