This symposium will address how Europe can more effectively address multihazards and compounding impacts from extreme events through ongoing societal crises. It will outline the policy pathways and key legislation, such as the Sustainable Development Goals and European Green Deal, that are needed to frame common goals and how our current geopolitical crises will impact them. It will use specific examples, such as recent European droughts, current energy shortage, and potential food insecurity, to discuss how scientific evidence has been used to steer decisions and how these challenges could be used to boost technical developments and future initiatives. The panel will also discuss the need to create pre-emptive strategies and frameworks that minimize the impact of compounding natural disasters, unexpected societal crises, and resource shortages.
We are very excited to welcome four excellent speakers to this Union symposium:
Dr Philip Ward: Professor of Global Water Risk Dynamics, Institute for Environmental Studies, Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dr Tina Comes: Professor in Decision Theory & ICT for Resilience, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Dr Elena Rovenskaya: Program Director, Advancing Systems Analysis Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
Dr Artur Malantowicz: Leader of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Coordination Team, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), European Commission
The session will be moderated by: Bikem Ekberzade, photojournalist, author and radio producer, and PhD student on the responses of different ecosystems (terrestrial and aquatic) to external pressures and disturbances.
- Philip Ward, IVM, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Tina Comes, TU Delft, Netherlands
- Elena Rovenskaya, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
- Artur Malantowicz, European Commission, Belgium