SC3.18 | Non-academic stakeholders and sectors: who are they, why should we care and how do we engage with them?
Non-academic stakeholders and sectors: who are they, why should we care and how do we engage with them?
Convener: David Fernández-Blanco | Co-convener: Jenny Turton
Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Fri, 08:30
Research institutes, universities, and academic societies are key agents of economic and social progress. The research that they undertake should inform critical decisions leading to the advancement of society and the solution to local and global issues, such as the usage of natural resources, resilience to geohazard impacts, climate change mitigation actions, and other societal challenges that shape our future. Knowing how to generate effective and efficient interactions with stakeholders is also essential for career advancement; it helps promote the research by increasing its impact and is now demanded by most funding agencies. However, science is often created and shared in silos, limiting research impact and potential societal progress. Breaking down these silos requires more than just expanding our academic network and working across disciplines. It requires us –as scientists and as a scientific community– to engage more with other sectors and stakeholders. But where do we start?

This short course will invite experts working at the interface of policy and industry, to provide advice and tips on how to identify key stakeholders and how to approach them. We will include tools on how to engage with stakeholders and highlight the mechanisms that currently exist to promote cross-sectoral collaboration. This short course is open to all EGU members.


  • Jenny Turton, Arctic Frontiers, Norway
  • Glen Burridge, European Federation of Geologists, Belgium
  • Munira Raji
  • Marco Masia, University of Vienna, Austria