Juggling parenting and caring responsibilities with a career in the geosciences: barriers and opportunities to increasing accessibility and inclusion
Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST) Room E1
Tue, 14:00
As the European Geoscience Union celebrates its 20th anniversary and looks forward to its next challenging 20 years, we recognise and would like to raise awareness that a large fraction of geoscientists have caring responsibilities that exclude them from participating in the European Geoscience Union General Assembly.
With this Union Symposium, we would like to initiate a conversation to raise awareness of the challenges experienced by EGU members with caring responsibilities and especially sole carers over the past few years. We want to explore feasible solutions that can increase the inclusion of carers in geoscientific conferences and look into tools and mechanisms that can facilitate accessibility.
We are pleased to announce the following speakers/contributors:
- Dr. Helen Glaves - British Geological Survey, UK
- Dr. Lisa Wingate - INRAE, France
- Dr. Munira Raji - University of Plymouth, UK
- Dr. Catherine Booth - Imperial College London, UK
- Dr. Marie Cavitte - University Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- Dr. Brice Van Liefferinge - Government Admin, Brussels Region, Belgium
- Dr. Nir Galili - ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
- Dr. Angela Liberatore - European Research Council, Belgum
- Dr. Daniele Mammoli - European Research Council, Belgum
Session assets
- Lisa Wingate, INRAE, France
- Munira Raji
- Catherine Booth, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- Marie G. P. Cavitte, VUB, Belgium
- Brice Van Liefferinge, Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway
- Nir Galili, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Angela Liberatore, ERC, Belgium
- Daniele Mammoli, European Research Council Executive Agency, Belgium