US5 | Allyship and supporting others for a more diverse and inclusive geosciences
Allyship and supporting others for a more diverse and inclusive geosciences
Convener: Daniel Parsons
Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room E1
Tue, 08:30
An ally is often defined as someone who is not a member of a marginalised group but wants to support and take action to help others in that group. Allyship is crucial for realising the potential for inclusion and equality, and in turn improving diversity in a broader community. Being an effective ally for marginalised groups is often a delicate balance of supporting actions. For example, poor allyship can be speaking over marginalised people by taking credit and receiving recognition for arguments that the unprivileged have been making for their entire lives. However, transformative progress can be made when individuals with privilege – and power – can work with solidarity and partnership with a marginalised group of people and help amplify their voices and remove the systems and structures that impact the group’s rights, access, and ability to thrive in our community.
This Union Symposium will highlight and discuss allyship and its role in improving equality, diversity and inclusion across the geosciences.

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