SPM31 | Beyond Green Carbon: Climate Change Mitigation with Blue Carbon
Beyond Green Carbon: Climate Change Mitigation with Blue Carbon
Convener: Bora Lee | Co-convener: Himlal Baral
Thu, 27 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Thu, 12:45
The meeting will explore a wide range of key research (and policy) questions for blue carbon, carbon stored in marine and coastal ecosystems. This is a casual discussion about understanding adaptation and mitigation processes within marine, small islands, and coastal ecosystems.

Therefore, we see blue carbon as an opportunity to contribute to global carbon reduction and climate change mitigation objectives.

We invite researchers to work on:
1. Carbon uptake capabilities of marine, small islands, and coastal ecosystems
2. Functions of the marine, small islands, and coastal ecosystems
3. Comparison between coastal and terrestrial ecosystems by remote-sensed and in-situ observational, experimental, conceptual, and modeling approaches
4. Spatial and temporal changes of coastal ecosystems (marine, small islands, and coastal areas) in the past, present, and future