SPM62 | How do we train stakeholders and people in industry in the geosciences?
How do we train stakeholders and people in industry in the geosciences?
Convener: Chris McCloskey
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Wed, 16:15
This meeting seeks to explore methods across the branches of the geosciences to best deliver relevant and applicable scientific knowledge and training to stakeholders to meet their industry-specific needs. This may include BSc- or MSc-level training and industry-focused apprenticeships alongside shorter professional development courses and modules tailored to address the different major challenges in the geosciences today.

We are interested in exploring and sharing both experiences in delivering degree-level and industry-focused training, and diverse approaches which have been successful for this, across the breadth of the EGU community. We welcome all who are interested in discussing professional education and development in the geosciences, including early career members.