TM22 | Town Hall meeting on International Ground-Based SWx networks - Coordination, Funding, Maintenance, and Expansions
Town Hall meeting on International Ground-Based SWx networks - Coordination, Funding, Maintenance, and Expansions
Convener: Hermann Opgenoorth
Thu, 27 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 1.14
Thu, 19:00
In preparation of a new global SWx coordination and collaboration effort between COSPAR, WMO, and ISES, upon
Formal request by the UN-COPUOS, we have noted that - while the international space agencies have natural fora to
discuss funding and collaborations regarding any space-based assets - there is nothing similar for the many ground-based
efforts and networks needed for SWx research and predictions.

These networks are mostly created, coordinated and maintained in a quite ad-hoc manner. Typical successful examples are
SuperMAG and SuperDARN, which are global, but often based on multiple bi- or multi-lateral partnerships in more regional
approaches like e.g. the IMAGE magnetometer network in Europe, and individual radar pairs for SuperDARN.

However, already in the case of ionosondes or ground based TEC receivers it does not look that good anymore, and even
the two best examples above are often maintained on a shoestring and instruments come and go on the basis of national
or even individual institutional efforts.

This Townhall Meeting (on behalf of COSPAR and the international SWx community in WMO and ISES) should try to exchange
and discuss ideas from members of the involved communities to identify and formulate future needs and opportunities,
also, about how to share best practices in coordination, maintenance, data sharing and in particular a more sustainable funding.
The timing is excellent to sound the community now and report any findings then further to the COSPAR WMO ISES round table
Discussion in autumn of 2923 and the ESWW in Toulouse.