PC7 | From Vikings to Vienna to the Venice of the Pacific: Geoarchaeology elucidates history
From Vikings to Vienna to the Venice of the Pacific: Geoarchaeology elucidates history
Convener: Gillian D'Souza
Thu, 27 Apr, 11:30–12:30 (CEST)
Press centre
Thu, 11:30
Archaeological studies piece together our relatively recent past. This press conference will explore how weather forecasting worked amidst complex sea navigation during the Middle Ages, when an early Micronesian society built the “Venice of the Pacific" at UNESCO World Heritage site Nan Madol, and what drove the divergent paths of two Roman settlements in Central Austria.


Haraldur Ólafsson
University of Iceland, Iceland

Chuan-Chou (River) Shen
High-Precision Mass Spectrometry and Environment Change Laboratory (HISPEC), National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Diana Hatzenbühler
University of Vienna, Department of Geology, Vienna, Austria

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