Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions
Disciplinary sessions

SC – Short Courses

Programme group chairs: Michael Dietze, Jenny Turton

SC1 – Welcome to EGU23 (EGU-related courses)


Are you unsure about how to bring order in the extensive program of the General Assembly? Are you wondering how to tackle this week of science? Are you curious about what EGU and the General Assembly have to offer? Then this is the short course for you!

During this course, we will provide you with tips and tricks on how to handle this large conference and how to make the most out of your week at this year's General Assembly. We'll explain the EGU structure, the difference between EGU and the General Assembly, we will dive into the program groups and we will introduce some key persons that help the Union function.

This is a useful short course for first-time attendees, those who have previously only joined us online, and those who haven’t been to Vienna for a while!

Co-organized by GM12/PS9
Convener: Jenny Turton | Co-conveners: Anouk Beniest, Anita Di Chiara, Simon Clark, David Fernández-Blanco
Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)|Pre-recorded
Mon, 08:30

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the largest Geosciences Union in Europe, largely run by volunteers. Conferences, journals, policy making and scientific communication are all important parts of EGU.

Whatever your closest link with EGU, would you like to get more involved?

Perhaps you are interested in running events, being a representative or being part of a committee. In this short course, we will provide an overview of all the activities of EGU, which are much more than just the General Assembly. We will give practical tips on how to get involved, who to contact and where to find specific information if you want to organise events, become an editor or nominate yourself for Division President. From blog writing to organising networking events, there’s something for everyone.

Co-organized by GM12/PS9
Convener: Jenny Turton | Co-conveners: David Fernández-Blanco, Nazimul Islam, Giuliana Panieri
Mon, 24 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)|Pre-recorded
Mon, 10:45

LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual, plus; or LGBT for short) geoscientists are likely to have to face several obstacles throughout their career compared to their cisgender/heterosexual colleagues. These obstacles can take many forms, e.g., inflexible bureaucratic limits on name/gender marker changes on documentation, a lack of training for cruise/field leaders on LGBT topics, a lack of support for transgender and gender non-conforming (GNC) people on field trips and research cruises, and safety and medical considerations LGBT people must account for when travelling for either field work/cruises or when moving countries for a new position. These obstacles can be abated and overcome; with adequate understanding by colleagues and initiatives, LGBT academics can thrive, allowing them to contribute to research without obstacles.

In this short course, our invited speakers will discuss some of these topics, present their experience with the obstacles they have faced in their careers, and share how they have dealt with or overcome these obstacles. We will also highlight the changes that have occurred in recent years on an institutional level and on a General Assembly level and discuss future challenges and improvements to come.

Convener: Hannah Sophia Davies | Co-conveners: Katinka Bellomo, Anita Di Chiara
Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Mon, 14:00

SC2 – Career development


The European Research Council (ERC) is a leading European funding body supporting excellent investigator-driven frontier research across all fields of science. ERC calls are open to researchers around the world. The ERC offers various different outstanding funding opportunities with grants budgets of €1.5 up to €3.5 million for individual scientists. All nationalities of applicants are welcome for projects carried out at a host institution in Europe (European Union member states and associated countries). At this session, the main features of ERC funding individual grants will be presented.

Co-organized by GD11/GM12/NH12/PS9/SSP5
Convener: David Gallego-Torres | Co-conveners: Claudia Jesus-Rydin, Eystein Jansen
Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 0.96/97
Mon, 14:00

For anyone entering the job market or looking for a new job, you will hear the phrase ‘transferable skills’. PhD candidates and scientists are advised to highlight their transferable skills when applying for non-academic jobs, but it can be hard to know what these skills are. Similarly, for those looking to change scientific research areas or take a leap into a new field for their PhD, it is important to highlight your transferable skills. Big data analysis, communicating your findings, supervising, teaching, project management and budgeting are skills you might have from your research/science career. But there are many more. In this interactive workshop, we will start your journey of identifying your transferable skills and highlighting careers where these will be necessary!

Co-organized by GM12
Convener: Jenny Turton | Co-convener: David Fernández-Blanco
Tue, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Tue, 08:30

Networking is crucial for scientists of all career stages for collaborations as well as for their personal growth and career pathways. Your scientific network can support you when struggling with everyday academic life, help with making career choices and give feedback on job applications/proposals/papers. Further, having a scientific network can provide new perspectives and opportunities for your research while leading to interdisciplinary collaborations and new projects.
Building up an initial network can be challenging, especially outside of your research institution. As scientific conferences and social media platforms are evolving, the possibilities of academic networking are also changing. In this short course we will share tips and tricks on how to build, grow and maintain your scientific network. Additionally, panelists will talk about their own personal experiences. In the second part of the short course, we will do a networking exercise. This short course is relevant to scientists who are starting to build/grow their network or want to learn more about networking in today’s scientific settings.

Co-organized by GM12/NH12/OS5/PS9
Convener: Andreas KvasECSECS | Co-conveners: Megan Holdt, Rebekka Steffen
Mon, 24 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 0.96/97
Mon, 10:45

Life-work-balance or more commonly known as work-life-balance is a synonym for working conditions where you also have enough spare time to enjoy your life. But, is it that easy? And what is more important in case of overlap: the “life” or the “work”? In this short course, we discuss life-work-balance and its meaning in different countries within academia. Is every country, every institution treating life-work-balance the same way? How do they differ? What are the measures already in place? We will invite panelists to present their current conditions or talk about their vision of a good life-work-balance in academia and what needs to be changed. In addition, we would like to hear from the attendees; We will conduct a survey about the meaning and settings of a life-work-balance, and discuss the results during the short course. Afterwards we aim to actively engage the audience to discuss how we can improve the life-work-balance conditions at the various institutions and how we can help employees to achieve a good life-work-balance for themselves. We invite people from all career stages and disciplines to come and join us for this short course.
This short course is offered by the Life-Work-Balance Working Group.

Public information:

As part of the short course we are conducting a survey about the meaning and settings of a life-work balance. The results will be discussed at the short course. Please answer our questions in the survey here: https://www.egu.eu/forms/preGAsurvey23/ Many thanks!

Co-organized by GM12/NH12
Convener: Saioa A. Campuzano | Co-conveners: Rebekka Steffen, Anita Di Chiara, Silvia De AngeliECSECS, Selina Kiefer
Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Thu, 14:00

Building a successful academic career is a challenge. Doing it while also building a family might push you to your limit. Many early and mid-career scientists are faced with the question of how to balance family and academic career. They are finding themselves left with a private problem, when it is actually a shared and societal issue, linking to other overarching themes of participation and diversity.
It is crucial to find support and confidence in going forward as an individual, and we as a community need to talk about parenting in academia to be able to demand and develop sustainable solutions that benefit many, instead of fighting private battles over and over again.
This short course aims to (1) provide some insight into how being a parent affects your every day academic life, (2) highlight the existing support measures for parents in academia in different countries, and (3) offer some experience-based strategies that are being shared by a panel of academic parents, (4) concluding with an open discussion, touching on the public discourses on equal parenting and life-work balance. This course targets scientists who think about having a family, as well as parents in academia keen to connect, and faculty staff with responsibilities towards parenting employees.

Co-organized by GM12/NH12/OS5/PS9
Convener: Johanna Kerch | Co-conveners: Rebekka Steffen, Bart Root, Gerald Raab
Mon, 24 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Mon, 14:00

After the PhD, a new challenge begins: finding a position where you can continue your research or a
job outside academia where you can apply your advanced skills. This task is not
always easy, and frequently a general overview of the available positions is missing. Furthermore,
in some divisions, up to 70% of PhD graduates will go into work outside of academia. There are many
different careers which require or benefit from a research background. But often, students and
early career scientists struggle to make the transition due to reduced support and networking.
In this panel discussion, scientists with a range of backgrounds give their advice on where to find
jobs, how to transition between academia and industry and what are the pros and cons of a career
inside and outside of academia.
In the final section of the short course, a Q+A will provide the audience with a chance to ask
their questions to the panel. This panel discussion is aimed at early career scientists but anyone
with an interest in a change of career will find it useful. An extension of this short course will
run in the networking and early career scientist lounge, for further in-depth or
one-on-one questions with panel members.

Co-organized by CR8/GM12/GMPV11/NH12/TS14
Convener: Francesco Giuntoli | Co-conveners: Jenny Turton, Anouk Beniest, Gökben Demir
Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Mon, 08:30

SC3 – Science communication


Open Science is a redefinition of scientific collaboration and output around principles and values of transparency, rigor, inclusivity, and trust. It is a culture designed to promote science and its social impact. It reflects how science has evolved into 21st Century, including the huge growth in data, instrumentation, computational power and resources, and complexity as well as its importance for addressing large societal challenges. Open science creates new opportunities for all stakeholders including researchers, funders, institutions, decision makers, and public participants, and communities.
In this short course, we will introduce participants to Open Science, the ecosystem that supports Open Science, and the values, practices and tools that enable that ecosystem. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the practical impact of Open Science, the tools that advance research and collaboration. This course is designed for researchers new to open science, open science practices and tools that enable and support open science.
Participants in this course will be able to define open science, discuss the benefits and challenges of open science, and identify the practices that enable open science. Participants will be able to identify tools and resources that can be used to practice open science in their own research. Participants will be able to develop a plan to implement open science practices in their own contexts.

If taken with Practicing Open Science: Data, Software, and other Results, participants will gain a broad overview of open science and how to practice it with immediately applicable actions.

Public information:

In this short course, we will introduce participants to Open Science, the ecosystem that supports Open Science, and the values, practices and tools that enable that ecosystem. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the practical impact of Open Science, the tools that advance research and collaboration. This course is designed for students or other researchers new to open science, open science practices and tools that enable and support open science.

Participants in this course will be able to define open science, discuss the benefits and challenges of open science, and identify the practices that enable open science. Participants will be able to identify tools and resources that can be used to practice open science in their own research. Participants will be able to develop a plan to implement open science practices in the context of an individual researcher.

If taken with Practicing Open Science: Data, Software, and other Results, participants will gain a broad overview of open science for both individuals and teams and how to practice it with immediately applicable actions.

Co-organized by CL6/ESSI3/GM12/NH12, co-sponsored by AGU
Convener: Lauren Parr | Co-convener: Samantha Veneruso
Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Wed, 08:30

Access to open data, open software and open results is important for transparency and supports reproducibility of research findings. It is critical to supporting disaster emergency responses all over the world, to advancing the response to the global pandemic, to advancing science in response to big and small questions, and making science more inclusive, impactful, and focused on the public good.

This course is designed to introduce researchers to the practices, characteristics, and benefits of open data, open software, and open results via the researcher workflow and research life-cycle. This course is an opportunity to review key practices that support preservation, sharing, using, and attribution of open data, software, and other results to advance science.

Participants will be able to articulate the definitions and characteristics of open data as well as the concepts of metadata, primary, and secondary data. They will be able to identify open software practices and resources for sharing, use, maintaining, and evolving open software while using open software to streamline workflow. Participants will be able to explain how, when, and where to make research outputs open and accessible while discussing the challenges and benefits of open results practices. Finally, participants will be able to create a plan to implement open research in their contexts.

If taken with Practicing Open Science: The principles, ecosystem, and tools, participants will gain a broad overview of open science and how to practice it with immediately applicable actions.

Public information:

This course is designed to introduce researchers to the practices, characteristics, and benefits of open data, open software, and open results via the researcher workflow and research life-cycle, with a particular emphasis on best practices for teams. This course is an opportunity to review key practices that support preservation, sharing, using, and attribution of open data, software, and other results to advance science. .

Participants will be able to articulate the definitions and characteristics of open data as well as the concepts of metadata, primary, and secondary data. They will be able to identify open software practices and resources for sharing, use, maintaining, and evolving open software while using open software to streamline workflow.   Participants will be able to explain how, when, and where to make research outputs open and accessible while discussing the challenges and benefits of open results practices. Finally, participants will be able to create a plan to implement open research in the context of leading a research team

Co-organized by CL6/ESSI3/GM12/NH12
Convener: Lauren Parr | Co-convener: Royce Brooks Hanson
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Wed, 10:45

The work of scientists does not end with publishing their results in peer-reviewed journals and presenting them at specialized conferences. In fact, one could argue that the work of a scientist only starts at this point: outreach. What does science outreach mean? Very simply, it means to engage with the wider (non-scientific) public about science.
The way of doing outreach has radically changed in the last decades, and scientists can now take advantage of many channels and resources to tailor and deliver their message to the public: to name a few, scientists can do outreach through social media, by writing blogs, recording podcasts, organizing community events, and so on.
This short course aims to give practical examples of different outreach activities, providing tips and suggestions from personal and peers’ experiences to start and manage an outreach project. Specific attention will be paid to the current challenges of science communication, which will encompass the theme of credibility and reliability of the information, the role of communication in provoking a response to critical global issues, and how to tackle inequities and promote EDI in outreach, among others.
The last part of the course will be devoted to an open debate on specific hot topics regarding outreach. Have your say!

Public information:


  • Elisa Vanin (Politecnico of Turin) - Theatre and Climate Change
  • Erik Sturkell (University of Gothenburg) - Cinema and Geoscience
  • Maria Gabriela Tejada Toapanta (#EGU23 Artist in Residence) - Art and graphics for science outreach

This short course is provided by the Connectivity and Visibility Working Group.
Co-organized by EOS1/CR8/GD11/GM12/GMPV11/NH12/OS5/PS9/SSP5
Convener: Giulia Consuma | Co-conveners: Silvia De AngeliECSECS, David Fernández-Blanco, Giorgia Stasi, Georgia MoutsianaECSECS
Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Wed, 14:00

Giving presentations of our work or a lecture in front of an audience is an intrinsic part of any stage of the academic career and beyond. Giving a presentation can be stressful, in terms of preparation and delivery, and it can be scary, in terms of standing in front of an audience with the focus on your presentation. This uncomfortable feeling can reach points where it may hinder your possibilities, it can turn into ‘stage fright’ or even be a cause of giving up a career in science. It can happen in any career stage, from your first ever presentation to your 40th one. In this short course we focus on different aspects of presentation anxiety, sharing strategies how to deal with it, and we will provide a platform for the questions you may have but did not dare ask your supervisor or your peers.
This short course is offered by the Life-Work-Balance Group.

Public information:

In this Short Course, three invited speakers will cover various topics concerning how to overcome one's fear of giving a presentation. They will share their tips, give concrete examples, and propose simple exercises to work on one's voice, posture and presentation pitch. One aim of the Short Course is to encourage discussions, so the format will allocate a significant fraction of time for asking questions to the speakers.

Co-organized by GM12/NH12/PS9
Convener: Maxime GrandinECSECS | Co-conveners: Anita Di Chiara, Saioa A. Campuzano, Rebekka Steffen, Janina J. NettECSECS
Mon, 24 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Mon, 16:15

The scientific communication landscape in the digital era is rapidly becoming all about effectively delivering ideas in brief. As scientific conferences move from longer physical meetings to more condensed hybrid formats, not only are short presentations necessary for pitching yourself to senior scientists or your next entrepreneurial venture to Venture Capitalists, but also for promoting your research. The opportunities of networking rarely reveal themselves, unless you are able to tell a brief, informative, and compelling story about you and your research.
It is truly an art to engage people through these short presentations and ignite a fire in their hearts, which will burn long enough for them to remember you and reach out to you later about relevant opportunities. While practice makes perfect is the mantra for delivering power-packed short presentations, there are several tricks to make your content stand out and set yourself apart from the crowd.
In this hybrid format course, we will bring together ideas and tips from years of sci-comm experience to provide you a one stop shop with the tricks of the trade. Finally, a hands-on exercise where participants will receive structured feedback on all aspects of their talk will help solidify the learning outcomes. The learning objectives of this short course are as follows:
-Structuring a killer elevator pitch – learning from 1/2/3-min examples
-Knowing your audience – harnessing the power of tailored openings/closings
-Captivating delivery – leveraging body language to your advantage
-Harnessing creativity - choosing the right medium
-Enunciating to engage – communicating across borders
-Effectively practising your pitch – making the best of your time
Early career and underrepresented scientists are particularly encouraged to participate as they can gain the most from the learning outcomes of this short course.

Co-organized by GM12/NH12/OS5/PS9
Convener: Antara Dasgupta | Co-conveners: Louise Arnal, Hannah Cloke
Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 0.96/97
Wed, 08:30

If you think your research is important and can make a difference in the world, but aren’t writing papers about making the world realize this, this is the session for you! To us, geoscience communication spans education, outreach, engagement and any studies into how any public (e.g. government, industry, an interest group) interacts with or consumes the geoscience that is your core business.

The session is a drop-in ‘clinic’ with the journal editors, so bring your ideas and questions!

The session will consist of roughly 10 mins of us talking, followed by small group or 1-to-1 discussion with a Geoscience Communication editor about your research idea – or how to integrate research into your geoscience communication activity (i.e. make it publishable).

It doesn’t matter if you know very little already. No question is too basic. It doesn’t matter how well developed (or not) your idea is. We can help you think about how to improve it, and to make it publishable – of course, we’d prefer Geoscience Communication. Alternatively, you could be an experienced geoscience communication practitioner who gets on with doing it, getting results, rather than writing a paper on it. In that case, we’d like to convince you that trying to publish is worth it!

Public information:

Link to materials for this session is below

  • Introductory Presentation (10 mins)
  • Flyer
  • Planning to make it pubishable: a scheme for the drop-in-clinic


Co-organized by EOS1/GM12/NH12/OS5
Convener: John K. Hillier | Co-conveners: Solmaz Mohadjer, Louise Arnal, Tiziana Lanza
Thu, 27 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Thu, 10:45

Science has long been a source of inspiration for artists, writers and other creative professionals, but as anyone who has seen a science-based film can tell you, the gap between inspiration and fact can sometimes be wide. So what do you do if you are approached by an artist or creative profession to collaborate on a project? How do you ensure that your subject is represented accurately, whilst at the same time respecting the artist’s creative freedom? And how do you find a creative professional to collaborate with you on your research?

In this short course we will explain some basic tips to help you with these issues, from the very first step of contacting, or being contacted by a creative professional, understanding the collaborative brief and how to write one, how the working styles of artists and scientists are different (and the same) and how to decide where the boundary between fact and fiction lies for you. Drawing experience from artists who have worked with scientists and scientists who have worked with artists across a range of mediums from theatre, opera, and dance, to sculpture, creative writing and painting, this short course will give you the information you need to collaborate with confidence.

Co-organized by EOS1/GM12/NH12/PS9
Convener: Hazel Gibson | Co-conveners: Lucia Perez-Diaz, Fabio Crameri
Thu, 27 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Thu, 14:00

Why do so many early career scientists find it such a challenging task to create a well-written and eye-catching illustrated research paper? Why are articles mostly lacking coherence among story and visual aids?

Well, writing research articles is different from just reporting your field or lab work or pulling up some graphs out of a hat. In brief, one must put together a concise presentation on paper that has to invite the reader, be engaging to read, and be graphical attractive to the audience. To draw readers to your articles, one must pair the seven graphic design principles with the five key characteristics of scientific writing.

If you feel overwhelmed with scientific writing, need more structure, or just want to improve your publishing skills, this course is for you. If you are looking for a few hacks that could improve your graphic and writing skills, we have you covered.

You will discover how to break down the article creation into clearly defined tasks. You will be shown how writing and graphic design can evolve together into a harmonizing piece of literature that your target audience will enjoy while saving you time in the progress. Scroll up and click the “star” to add this course to your personal program.

Co-organized by ESSI3/GM12/PS9
Convener: Gerald Raab | Co-convener: Dorothee PostECSECS
Mon, 24 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Mon, 10:45

Visualisation of scientific data is an integral part of scientific understanding and communication. Scientists have to make decisions about the most effective way to communicate their results everyday. How do we best visualise the data to understand it ourselves? How do we best visualise our results to communicate with others? Common pitfalls can be overcrowding, overcomplicated plot types or inaccessible color schemes. Scientists may also get overwhelmed by the graphics requirements of different publishers, for presentations, posters etc. This short course is designed to help scientists improve their data visualization skills in a way that the research outputs would be more accessible within their own scientific community and reach a wider audience.
Topics discussed include:
- Choosing a plot type – keeping it simple
- Color schemes – which ones to use or not to use
- Creativity vs simplicity – finding the right balance
- Producing your figures and maps – software and tools
- Figure files – publication ready resolutions
This course is co-organized by the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS), enabling networking and skill enhancement of early career researchers worldwide. Our goal is to help you make your figures more accessible by a wider audience, informative and beautiful. If you feel your graphs could be improved, we welcome you to join this short course.

Co-organized by ESSI2/GM12/HS11/NH12/OS5/PS9, co-sponsored by YHS
Convener: Swamini KhuranaECSECS | Co-conveners: Edoardo Martini, Paola Mazzoglio, Epari Ritesh Patro, Roshanak Tootoonchi
Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Thu, 16:15
SC3.10 EDI

In the face of multiple global crises and accelerating global warming, political decisions need to consider an array of factors and evidence. Policymakers not only must consider a wide range of input from stakeholders along with the likely unintended consequences of any action or inaction. As researchers, we want our expertise to inform political decisions. As concerned and informed citizens with scientific training, we watch with concern where decisions are taken due to one-sided information, clouded by populist motifs, or short-term gain. Especially in the climate science sphere, many researchers also identify as activists, taking the stance that watching from the sidelines and creating an understanding of the gravity of the problem is not enough.

This Short Course is aimed at researchers at all career stages who want to ease the dissonance between these narratives and are willing to explore their place on the continuum between environmental activism and detached professionalism. This session will acknowledge that there are as many positions along the continuum as there are individuals. In an informal setting, we explore the different positions that you, as a researcher, might want to take in the public discourse. Experts who are currently working on the interface of science, society, and activism through groups such as Scientists for Future will offer their positive and, potentially, also negative experiences as well as their motivation to act for change.

Co-organized by EOS4/CL6/GM12/NH12/PS9
Convener: Flora Maria Brocza | Co-conveners: Chloe Hill, Christina West, Kirsten v. Elverfeldt, Viktor J. Bruckman
Tue, 25 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Tue, 14:00

"Neo-Colonialism", “colonial science” or “parachute science” is a practice where international scientists, usually from higher-income countries, conduct field work or collect data and samples in another country, usually of lower income, and then elaborate the data and publish scientific papers without involving others from that nation.
This short course will provide participants with an introduction to the colonial science, defining the terminology, highlighting pertinent examples on how outdated colonial terminology widely used and without critical consideration have been causing misinterpretation in science, created a dependency on expertise with consequent lack of knowledge building and infrastructures development in countries that have been the base of important discoveries.

Public information:

Curious about what scientific neo-colonialism is? Want to know more about this topic and how it relates to your own geoscience research?

Please join us for to learn more about what scientific neo-colonialism looks like in geosciences, hear from researchers from the Global South and discuss ways in which to make our discipline more inclusive, equitable and better.

We are delighted to include a panel discussion with:

  • Elinor Meredith and Susanna Jenkins, Volcanic Hazards and Risk Group, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, who will speak about their paper on volcano research authorship: https://www.jvolcanica.org/ojs/index.php/volcanica/article/view/173
  • Barbara Evrens, CNRS, Institute of Chemistry,  University Clermont Auvergne, France, and chair of the EGU Publications Committee, who will speak about the role of EGU publications in combating neo-colonialism.
Co-organized by GM12/GMPV11/SSP5
Convener: Robyn Pickering | Co-conveners: Giuliana Panieri, Lisa Wingate, Anouk Beniest, Barbara Ervens
Mon, 24 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 0.96/97
Mon, 16:15

How can scientists and governments ensure that their communication resonates more deeply with citizens without resorting to the manipulative tactics used by those who seek to undermine liberal democracy? How can scientific and government actors ensure their communications are equally meaningful and ethical?

This Short Course will combine insights from state-of-the-art scientific knowledge, novel empirical research on values-targeted communication strategies, and a deep understanding of practitioners’ and citizens’ attitudes on these topics. Examples from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre will be used to share practical guidance for scientists who need to successfully navigate the policy world.

Co-organized by EOS1/CL6/NH12/SSP5
Convener: Laura Smillie | Co-conveners: Chloe Hill, Hazel Gibson
Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Thu, 08:30

Achieving policy impact requires a distinct set of ‘Science4Policy’ competences. Discover the ‘Science4Policy’ Competence Framework and why it is essential knowledge for researchers and research organisations working at the science-policy interface.

Why join?
Are you a researcher interested in building competences to ensure policy impact? Would you like to do your self-assessment to evaluate your ‘Science4Policy’ competences? Then join us for this interactive workshop, where participants will be introduced to the ‘Science4Policy’ Competence Framework, the possible uses of it (e.g. self-assessment for individuals and teams) and get the opportunity to interact with it in a playful way.

Co-organized by EOS4/CL6/GM12/HS11/NH12/SSP5
Convener: Lene Topp | Co-convener: Chloe Hill
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Wed, 16:15
SC3.14 EDI

Science is a key component of the policymaking process as it allows policymakers to more effectively consider their potential options and the consequences of any action or inaction. However, knowing when and how to engage in policy can be challenging! One of the key challenges that scientists face is understanding and overcoming the differences between the science and policy communities and aligning the goals, expectations, and needs and all groups involved. Creating and facilitating activities that bring scientists and policymakers together can help to bridge this gap and promote more consistent interaction and productive cooperation!

This Short Course will provide practical examples from EGU’s Policy Programme - including the Science-Policy Pairing Scheme, Science for Policy Working Group, and Biodiversity Task Force - and explain how these initiatives can be replicated. Participants from the initiatives will be invited to present their experiences and the challenges that they overcame. Please bring questions and some of the challenges that you or your organisation is experiencing so that these can be discussed!

Co-organized by EOS4/CL6/GM12/PS9
Convener: Chloe Hill | Co-conveners: A. Rita Carrasco, Adam Izdebski
Tue, 25 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Tue, 10:45

Most geo-science depends on constructive human interaction, experience and reflection. Debriefing is a methodology that can greatly enhance and clarify human interactions and experience, through structured sharing and reflection. It is commonly used in participatory simulation and learning games. However, many other areas make explicit use of the methodology of debriefing, including natural disasters, geography teaching, underwater diving, social consequences of climate change, Geoethics, geological outings, expeditions, natural resource management simulation, research, publication and so on.

In several professional geo-processes, from learning and research, through planning and expeditions, to meetings and publication, debriefing can be used much more than it is, to enhance important aspects of the work.

This Short Course will be conducted in a workshop format, starting with (a) a short overview of debriefing, followed by (b) a hands-on, small-group debrief session and ending with (c) participants in small groups designing their own prototype debriefing structure adapted to their own situation.

A little preparation before the course will help immensely. Please:
• Skim read http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.13117.54248, or read relevant parts in more depth if you like. Note that the focus of the document is on simulation, but the principles can be adapted to many areas.
• Think about a recent experience or project that was not entirely satisfactory for you.
• Bring some blank paper and a pen.

Please note that the course is limited to twenty attendees, on a first-come basis.

Co-organized by NH12, co-sponsored by IAPG and Future Earth
Convener: David Crookall | Co-conveners: Berill Blair, Pimnutcha Promduangsri, Pariphat PromduangsriECSECS
Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Fri, 10:45
SC3.16 EDI

Preparing a manuscript for submission to a scientific journal may be hard work for many scientists. Still, scientific writing is an essential step of the research process, because the form used to present the results is often as important as the results themselves. Writing a scientific paper is a skill that can be acquired with time, while becoming easier with practice. This short course will give early career scientists simple guidelines on writing about their work and increase the chance of publishing it.

Nadav Peleg, assistant professor at the University of Lausanne, is an editor in the Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) journal and Journal of Hydrology. He will recall some basic aspects of paper writing and will give practical tips on how to get started, how to structure the paper, and how to address reviewers' comments. - You are welcome to submit any questions for our speaker before the course by contacting the conveners.

The course is open to everyone, although the number of seats is limited by the capacity of the room. If you want to sit, be on time. For any additional information, please contact the conveners.

Don't miss out on "Meet the editors / part 2: how to publish and peer-review”!

Co-organized by GM12
Convener: Elena Cristiano | Co-conveners: Kirsten M Florentine Weber, Faranak Tootoonchi, Romano Clementucci, Massimiliano Schiavo
Wed, 26 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 0.96/97
Wed, 10:45
SC3.17 EDI

Publishing papers is a crucial part of science communication, but it can be daunting. Whether you are working on your first draft, or perfecting your tenth, there can still be uncertainties about what the publishing process has in store. In this short course you will have the opportunity to meet editors of internationally renowned journals in the field of geoscience. After a short introduction of the editors, we will explore various facets of scientific publishing and peer-reviewing, such as:
● What are the duties and roles of editors, authors and reviewers?
● How to choose a suitable journal for your manuscript and what is important for early career authors?
● How can early career scientists get involved in successful peer-reviewing?
● What is important for appropriate peer-reviewing?
● What are ethical aspects and responsibilities of publishing?

In this short course, there will be an opportunity to have an open discussion about how to make your manuscript seamlessly ready for submission and the whole publication and peer-reviewing process. Together with the editors from different journals, we will explore different aspects of publishing and related topics, such as cover letters, and how to get involved in peer-reviewing and editing.

If you are interested in the aspects of writing your manuscript - don’t miss the short course: Meet the
editors (1): how to write and revise your manuscript. Both courses can be listened to independently.

Public information:

The invited editors are:

Naoise Nunan, Geoderma, Elsevier
Heike Langenberg, Communications Earth and Environment, Nature Portfolio
Alberto Montanari, AGU Advances, Wiley

Convener: Sophie F. von Fromm | Co-conveners: Steffen A. Schweizer, Aayush Srivastava, Marcus Schiedung, Rachel Oien
Wed, 26 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Wed, 14:00
SC3.18 EDI

Research institutes, universities, and academic societies are key agents of economic and social progress. The research that they undertake should inform critical decisions leading to the advancement of society and the solution to local and global issues, such as the usage of natural resources, resilience to geohazard impacts, climate change mitigation actions, and other societal challenges that shape our future. Knowing how to generate effective and efficient interactions with stakeholders is also essential for career advancement; it helps promote the research by increasing its impact and is now demanded by most funding agencies. However, science is often created and shared in silos, limiting research impact and potential societal progress. Breaking down these silos requires more than just expanding our academic network and working across disciplines. It requires us –as scientists and as a scientific community– to engage more with other sectors and stakeholders. But where do we start?

This short course will invite experts working at the interface of policy and industry, to provide advice and tips on how to identify key stakeholders and how to approach them. We will include tools on how to engage with stakeholders and highlight the mechanisms that currently exist to promote cross-sectoral collaboration. This short course is open to all EGU members.

Convener: David Fernández-Blanco | Co-convener: Jenny Turton
Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Fri, 08:30

SC4 – Scientific approaches & concepts


This 90-minute short course aims to introduce non-geologists to structural geological and petrological principles, which are used by geologists to understand system earth.

The data available to geologists is often minimal, incomplete and representative for only part of the geological history. Besides learning field techniques that are needed to take measurements and acquire data, geologists also need to develop a logical way of thinking to overcome these data gaps and arrive at an understanding of system earth. There is a difference between the reality observed in the field and the geological models that are used to tell the story.

In this course we briefly introduce the following subjects:
1) Geology rocks: Introduction to the principles of geology.
2) Collecting rocks: The how, what, and pitfalls of onshore and offshore geological data acquisition.
3) Failing rocks: From structural field data to (paleo-)stress analysis.
4) Dating rocks: Absolute and relative dating of rocks using microstructural, petrological and geochronological methods.
5) Shaping rocks: The morphology of landscapes as tectonic constraints
6) Crossover rocks: How geology benefits from geodynamic, seismological and geodetic research, and vice-versa.
7) Q&A!

Our aim is not to make you the next specialist in geology, but we would rather try and make you aware of the challenges a geologist faces when they go out into the field. In addition, currently used methodologies and their associated data quality are addressed to give other earth scientists a feel for the capabilities and limitations of geological research.

This course is given by Early Career Scientists and forms a quartet with the short courses on ‘Geodynamics 101’, ‘Seismology 101’, and ‘Geodesy 101’. For this reason, we will also explain what kind of information we expect from the fields of geodynamics, seismology and geodesy, and we hope to receive input on the kind of information you could use from our side.

Co-organized by G7/GD11/SM9/SSP5/TS15
Convener: Richard Wessels | Co-conveners: Anouk Beniest, Silvia Crosetto, Francesco Giuntoli, David Fernández-Blanco
Tue, 25 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Tue, 16:15

What is the “Potsdam Gravity Potato”? What is a reference frame and why is it necessary to know in which reference frame GNSS velocities are provided? Geodetic data, like GNSS data or gravity data, are used in many geoscientific disciplines, such as hydrology, glaciology, geodynamics, oceanography and seismology. This course aims to give an introduction into geodetic datasets and presents what is necessary to consider when using such data. This 90-minute short course is part of the quartet of introductory 101 courses on Geodynamics 101, Geology 101 and Seismology 101.

The short course Geodesy 101 will introduce basic geodetic concepts within the areas of GNSS and gravity data analysis. In particular, we will talk about:
- GNSS data analysis
- Reference frames
- Gravity data analysis
We will also show short examples of data handling and processing using open-source software tools. Participants are not required to bring a laptop or have any previous knowledge of geodetic data analysis.

Our aim is to give you more background information on what geodetic data can tell us and what not. You won’t be a Geodesist by the end of the short course, but we hope that you are able to have gained more knowledge about the limitations as well as advantages of geodetic data. The course is run by scientists from the Geodesy division, and is aimed for all attendees (ECS and non-ECS) from all divisions who are using geodetic data frequently or are just interested to know what geodesists work on on a daily basis. We hope to have a lively discussion during the short course and we are also looking forward to feedback by non-geodesists on what they need to know when they use geodetic data.

Co-organized by CR8/G7/GD11/HS11/SM9/TS15
Convener: Rebekka Steffen | Co-conveners: Thomas Knudsen, Andreas KvasECSECS, Benedikt Soja, Kristian Evers
Mon, 24 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Mon, 16:15

How do seismologists detect earthquakes? How do we locate them? Is seismology only about earthquakes? Seismology has been integrated into a wide variety of geo-disciplines to be complementary to many fields such as tectonics, geology, geodynamics, volcanology, hydrology, glaciology and planetology. This 90-minute course is part of the Solid Earth 101 short course series together with ‘Geodynamics 101 (A & B)’ and ‘Geology 101’ to better illustrate the link between these fields.

In ‘Seismology 101’, we will present an introduction to the basic concepts and methods in seismology. In previous years, this course was given as "Seismology for non-seismologists" and it is still aimed at those not familiar with seismology -- in particular early career scientists. An overview will be given on various methods and processing techniques, which are applicable to investigate surface processes, near-surface geological structures and the Earth’s interior. The course will highlight the role that advanced seismological techniques can play in the co-interpretation of results from other fields. The topics will include:
- the basics of seismology, including the detection and location of earthquakes
- understanding and interpreting those enigmatic "beachballs"
- the difference between earthquake risks and hazards
- an introduction to free seismo-live.org tutorials and other useful tools
- how seismic methods are used to learn about the Earth, such as for imaging the Earth’s interior (on all scales), deciphering tectonics, monitoring volcanoes, landslides and glaciers, etc...

We likely won’t turn you into the next Charles Richter in 90 minutes but would rather like to make you aware how seismology can help you in geoscience. The intention is to discuss each topic in a non-technical manner, emphasising their strengths and potential shortcomings. This course will help non-seismologists to better understand seismic results and can facilitate more enriched discussion between different scientific disciplines. The short course is organised by early career scientist seismologists and geoscientists who will present examples from their own research experience and from high-impact reference studies for illustration. Questions from the audience on the topics covered will be highly encouraged.

Co-organized by G7/GD11/SM9/TS15
Convener: Dinko Sindija | Co-conveners: On Ki Angel LingECSECS, Andreas Brotzer, Bruna Chagas de MeloECSECS, Katinka Tuinstra
Wed, 26 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Wed, 16:15

The main goal of this short course is to provide an introduction into the basic concepts of numerical modelling of solid Earth processes in the Earth’s crust and mantle in a non-technical manner. We discuss the building blocks of a numerical code and how to set up a model to study geodynamic problems. Emphasis is put on best practices and their implementations including code verification, model validation, internal consistency checks, and software and data management.

The short course introduces the following topics:
(1) The physical model, including the conservation and constitutive equations
(2) The numerical model, including numerical methods, discretisation, and kinematical descriptions
(3) Code verification, including benchmarking
(4) Model design, including modelling philosophies
(5) Model validation and subsequent analysis
(6) Communication of modelling results and effective software, data, and resource management

Armed with the knowledge of a typical numerical modelling workflow, participants will be better able to critically assess geodynamic numerical modelling papers and know how to start with numerical modelling.

This short course is aimed at everyone who is interested in, but not necessarily experienced with, geodynamic numerical models; in particular early career scientists (BSc, MSc, PhD students and postdocs) and people who are new to the field of geodynamic modelling.

Co-organized by G7/GD11/OS5/SM9/TS15
Convener: Tobias G. Meier | Co-conveners: Antoniette Greta Grima, Fabio Crameri, Uğurcan Çetiner
Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Thu, 16:15

Since Claude Shannon coined the term 'Information Entropy' in 1948, Information Theory has become a central language and framework for the information age. Across disciplines, it can be used for i) characterizing systems, ii) quantifying the information content in data and theory, iii) evaluating how well models can learn from data, and iv) measuring how well models do in prediction. Due to their generality, concepts and measures from Information Theory can be applied to both knowledge- and data-based modelling approaches, and combinations thereof, which makes them very useful in the context of Machine Learning and hybrid modeling.
In this short course, we will introduce the key concepts and measures of Information Theory (Information, Entropy, Conditional Entropy, Mutual Information, Cross Entropy and Kullback-Leibler divergence), with practical examples of how they have been applied in Earth Science, and give a brief introduction to available open-source software.
This course assumes no previous knowledge or experience with Information Theory and welcomes all who are intrigued to learn more about this powerful theory.

Co-organized by AS6/HS11/NP9
Convener: Uwe Ehret | Co-convener: Stephanie Thiesen
Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Fri, 08:30

The climate is highly variable over wide ranges of scale in both space and time so that the amplitude of changes systematically depends on the scale of observations. As a consequence, climate variations recorded in time series or spatial distributions, which are produced through modelling or empirical analyses are inextricably linked to their space-time scales and is a significant part of the uncertainties in the proxy approaches. Rather than treating the variability as a limitation to our knowledge, as a distraction from mechanistic explanations and theories, in this course the variability is treated as an important, fundamental aspect of the climate dynamics that must be understood and modelled in its own right. Long considered as no more than an uninteresting spectral “background”, modern data shows that in fact it contains most of the variance.

We review techniques that make it possible to systematically analyse and model the variability of instrumental and proxy data, the inferred climate variables and the outputs of GCM’s. These analyses enable us to cover wide ranges of scale in both space and in time - and jointly in space-time - without trivializing the links between the measurements, proxies and the state variables (temperature, precipitation etc.). They promise to systematically allow us to compare model outputs with data, to understand the climate processes from small to large and from fast to slow. Specific tools that will be covered include spectral analysis, scaling fluctuation analysis, wavelets, fractals, multifractals, and stochastic modeling; we discuss corresponding software. We also include new developments in the Fractional Energy Balance Equation approach that combines energy and scale symmetries.

Co-organized by AS6/CL6/CR8/GM12/NH12/NP9/OS5/SSP5
Convener: Shaun Lovejoy | Co-conveners: Thomas Laepple, Christian Franzke
Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 0.96/97
Fri, 08:30

Observations and measurements of geoscientific systems and their dynamical phenomena are genuinely obtained as time series or spatio-temporal data whose dynamics usually manifests a nonlinear multiscale (in terms of time and space) behavior. During the past decades, dynamical system, information theoretic, and stochastic approaches have rapidly developed and allow gaining novel insights on a great diversity of phenomena like weather and climate dynamics, turbulence in fluids and plasmas, or chaos in dynamical systems.

In this short course, we will provide an overview on a selection of contemporary topics related with complex systems based approaches and their utilization across the geosciences, exemplified by recent successful applications from various fields from paleoclimate over present-day atmospheric dynamics to Space Weather. The focus will be on tipping points and associated early warning indicators, the identification of causal relations among a multitude of observables, and how to combine both approaches in a multi-scale dynamical framework. The discussed data analysis tools are promising for investigating various aspects of both known and unknown physical processes.

Co-organized by AS6/CL6/CR8/HS11/NH12/NP9/OS5/SSP5
Convener: Tommaso Alberti | Co-conveners: Peter Ditlevsen, Reik Donner
Thu, 27 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 0.15
Thu, 16:15

Science impacts human society in many ways but of
particular importance is the application of scientific
results to the design of forecasting systems.
Forecasting systems are indispensable for making
informed decisions under risk. Informative and reliable
weather forecasts for instance help to better prepare
for or to reduce the exposure to adverse weather.
Therefore, there is a need for an objective and well
understood framework for ``forecast verification'',
i.e. qualitative and quantitative assessment of
forecast performance.

Statistical methods compare historical forecasts with
corresponding verifications, indicating whether the
forecasting system behaved significantly different (in
a statistical sense) from what was expected.

This short course will introduce the participants to
the fundamentals of statistical forecast verification.
Some necessary statistical theory will be discussed as well, and some hands-on numerical experiments will take place using freely available code. More specifically, the course will cover the following topics (more or less in that order)

* Forecast types and scoring rules
* Tests and p-values
* How to cope with dependent data
* How to cope with forecasts of spatial fields
* Code, literature, and further resources

Target audience are researchers (both from academic institutions and operational centres) who are either new to forecast verification or who have practical experience but want to know more about the theory. The course is NOT restricted to atmospheric forecasts, nor exclusively to the assessment of operational forecasting systems. The discussed methods are applicable in many other fields such as parameter estimation, data assimilation, model evaluation, and machine learning.

Co-organized by AS6/CL6/ESSI2/GM12/HS11/NH12/NP9
Convener: Jochen Broecker | Co-convener: Sebastian BuschowECSECS
Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.85/86
Mon, 08:30
SC4.10 EDI

One of the major challenges in water resources management today and in the coming future is reducing the risk related to extreme events, i.e. floods and droughts, mainly through a reliable flow prediction. Large-scale hydrological models have been widely proposed to gain insights into dominant water processes, quantify the role of human-water interactions, and identify emergent global patterns in a changing world.

This short course aims at gaining a better understanding of:
- Historical overview of the field
- State-of-the-art, example studies
- Future directions, emerging opportunities
- How you could get started in large-scale hydrological modelling

We are delighted to announce Dr. Niko Wanders from Utrecht University as the lecturer of this short course.

This will be the sixth year that the Hydroinformatics for Hydrology short course is run. The previous themes of the course were data-driven and hybrid techniques, data assimilation, geostatistical modelling, uncertain analysis, and extreme value modelling.

We kindly invite early career hydrologic researchers (MSc students, Ph.D. candidates, and post-doctoral researchers) to attend this short course. Please note that pre-registration is not necessary. The course will be open to a limited number of participants selected on a first come-first served basis. We suggest you arrive at the room assigned a little earlier to ensure you find an empty seat.

For any additional information, please contact the conveners. In cooperation with the Young Hydrologic Society (http://younghs.com/).

Co-organized by CL6/HS11, co-sponsored by YHS
Convener: Maurizio MazzoleniECSECS | Co-conveners: Sina KhatamiECSECS, Harsh Beria, Hannes Müller-Thomy, Nilay Dogulu
Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Wed, 08:30

The proposed short course is one that we have taught twice in-person and once virtually at the EGU over the past 4 years, and that has always been attended to full capacity and with very positive feedback, so that we propose to teach it again this year.

The climate system as a whole can be viewed as a highly complex thermal/heat engine, in which numerous processes continuously interact to transform heat into work and vice-versa. As any physical system, the climate system obeys the basic laws of thermodynamics, and we may therefore expect the tools of non-equilibrium thermodynamics to be particularly useful in describing and synthesising its properties. The main aim of this short course will be twofold. Part 1 will provide an advanced introduction to the fundamentals of equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, irreversible processes and energetics of multicomponent stratified fluids. Part 2 will illustrate the usefulness of this viewpoint to summarize the main features of the climate system in terms of thermodynamic cycles, as well as a diagnostic tool to constrain the behavior of climate models. Although the aim is for this to be a self-contained module, some basic knowledge of the subject would be beneficial to the participants.
- The first part, chaired by Remi Tailleux, will provide an advanced introduction on the fundamentals of equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, irreversible processes and energetics.
- The second part, chaired by Valerio Lembo and Gabriele Messori, will illustrate some applications of thermodynamics to the study of the climate system and its general circulation.

Co-organized by AS6/CL6/CR8/NP9/OS5
Convener: Remi Tailleux | Co-conveners: Valerio Lembo, Gabriele Messori
Fri, 28 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Fri, 10:45
SC4.12 EDI

Ever since the development of the first cosmogenic nuclide method has been developed in the 40s (radiocarbon dating) a new discipline for Earth surface investigations has been created. Today, we have a variety of isotopes (10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 21Ne, 14C) at our disposal to answer prevailing questions in geomorphology, structural geology, glaciology, pedology, archeology or anthropology. Cosmogenic nuclides have been used to directly determine the timing of events and rates of change in the Earth’s surface by measuring their production in rocks and sediments, and soils. The technique has been widely adopted by the geomorphic community because it can be used on a wide range of landforms and across a broad spectrum of time and space scales. However, their application is also relevant for different Earth Science communities interested in quantifying the long- and short-term surface evolution. Indeed, the application of cosmogenic nuclides have been successfully applied to determine erosion/ denudation rates; exposure dating of geomorphic surfaces; burial events; rates of uplift; soil dynamics; and palaeo-altimetric changes.

The short course offers a brief outline of the theory and application to Earth’s surface in different morpho-tectonic settings. The aim is to provide background information and basic knowledge of how to apply such a method.

Co-organized by CL6/CR8/GM12/SSP5
Convener: Romano Clementucci | Co-conveners: Lionel Siame, Gerald Raab, Andrea Madella, Rachel Oien
Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 0.15
Fri, 08:30
SC4.13 EDI

Age models are applied in paleoclimatological, paleogeographic and geomorphologic studies to understand the timing of climatic and environmental change. Multiple independent geochronological dating methods are available to generate robust age models. For example, different kinds of radio isotopic dating, magneto-, bio-, cyclostratigraphy and sedimentological relationships along stratigraphic successions or in different landscape contexts. The integration of these different kinds of geochronological information often poses challenges.
Age-depth or chronological landscape models are the ultimate result of the integration of different geochronological techniques and range from linear interpolation to more complex Bayesian techniques. Invited speakers will share their experience in several modelling concepts and their application in a range of Quaternary paleoenvironmental and geomorphologic records. The Short Course will provide an overview of age models and the problems one encounters in climate science and geomorphology. Case studies and practical examples are given to present solutions for these challenges. It will prepare the participants from CL, GM and other divisions for independent application of suitable age-depth models to their climate or geomorphologic data.

Co-organized by CL6/CR8/GM12/SSP5
Convener: Nazimul Islam | Co-conveners: Gerald Raab