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ESSI2.6 | Benchmarking and Evaluation of Earth System Models
Benchmarking and Evaluation of Earth System Models
Convener: Ranjini Swaminathan | Co-conveners: Birgit Hassler, Forrest M. Hoffman, Alicia Hou, Joshua Dorrington
Earth System Models (ESMs) have evolved considerably in complexity, capability and scale as evidenced in projects such as the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 and the forthcoming CMIP7 project. There is therefore a need to credibly assess such developments and capabilities for effective research on climate variability and change. The CMIP7 Model Benchmarking Task Team was established by the World Climate Research Programme to advance the full integration of routine benchmarking and evaluation into the CMIP workflow.  As part of this initiative, we invite studies that explore novel approaches for benchmarking and evaluation of ESMs including cross-domain and process -based evaluation, observational uncertainties, science and performance metrics and benchmarks. The development of tools and methods including Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence approaches are also welcomed.