Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
ESSI2.7 | Connecting research data infrastructures
Connecting research data infrastructures
Convener: Christin HenzenECSECS | Co-conveners: Sibylle K. Hassler, Christof Lorenz, Claudia Müller, Joy Davidson
Complex research questions frequently require multi-disciplinary approaches using data and software from diverse sources. However, much data and software are still not sufficiently accessible because of isolated solutions, hindering scientific progress. Hence, connected research data infrastructures (RDIs) are necessary, and currently quite a few European and national RDIs are being developed. It has become quite apparent that connecting the existing RDIs and emerging RDIs is not trivial. Challenges on the organizational, semantic and technical level have to be addressed, such as interoperability obstacles, interconnecting RDIs and others.
The focus of this session is to present and discuss approaches and solutions on how to tackle these challenges. We welcome submissions about best practices, experiences and examples of linking RDIs, such as:

promoting transferable approaches to tackle discipline-specific requirements and workflows (e.g., infrastructures for managing and accessing high volume data, connection to high-performance computing, specialized workflow tools, real-time data flows …)
developing or adapting standards, formats, and concepts (e.g., for data, software, sensors/hardware and metadata)
developing and implementing suitable interfaces
collaborations between RDI providers with different characteristics, needs and interests
reusing software or services across RDIs
success stories / impact stories of practical implementations

Here, we provide a forum for exchange and networking between RDI providers, developers and researchers to address challenges in bringing infrastructures together.