Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
GM3.4 | Landscape Evolution Models: advancing in physical processes and short-term practical applications
Landscape Evolution Models: advancing in physical processes and short-term practical applications
Convener: Andrea Franco | Co-conveners: Tom Coulthard, Margreth Keiler, Martin Mergili, Ronald Pöppl
Landscape evolution models (LEMs) are used to better understand the physical processes that shape landscapes. Most LEMs can recreate changes in the landscape while accounting for sediment transport and river floods.
Other physical phenomena known to have a big impact on landscape evolution, such as hillslope processes, dam break floods and flash floods, wildfires, and storms, have just started to be adequately considered in the context of mountain hazards or have not yet been implemented in a way to be reliably integrated with LEMs.
This session will focus on new challenges and solutions for LEMs for scientific research but also serve as a base tool for hazard scenario forecasts, engineering applications, land management, and risk management. Particular attention is dedicated to the context of multi-hazards in mountain regions and related sediment connectivity to address the effect of natural hazards on landscape evolution and communities under climate change conditions.
To provide innovative perspectives and solutions on LEMs, we intend to bring together experts from various fields of study who adopt interdisciplinary approaches.
