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GM8.3 | Geomorphological evolution in the Mediterranean area: Insights from geomorphic markers and absolute dating
Geomorphological evolution in the Mediterranean area: Insights from geomorphic markers and absolute dating
Convener: Michele Delchiaro | Co-conveners: Maïlys Richard, Mauro Bonasera, Marta Della Seta, Ciro Cerrone
The Mediterranean Region is a unique geographical composition of mountain ranges surrounding sea basins. The intertwined relationships among climate, tectonics, and lithological variations shape its topography making the challenging to study the effects on the relief evolution as well as to define the sedimentary flow paths towards the basin and quantify the sediment budget, both on land and offshore, exciting.
To understand the processes governing landscape evolution, the use of geomorphic markers and absolute dating techniques (i.e., luminescence, cosmogenic nuclides, U-series, radiocarbon dating, etc.) becomes paramount. These tools are indispensable for reconstructing the morpho-evolution associated with the aforementioned factors and how they affect the sedimentary trajectories and sediment yield. Such an approach is widely used due to broad time-space applications ( e.g., from archeological to long-term studies).
In light of the above, we invite submissions of research contributions that focus on the following topics:
1. Climate and Landscape Dynamics: Exploring the dynamic interplay between climate change and landform evolution in the Mediterranean region, with particular attention on case studies and methodologies.
2. Tectonics and Landscape Dynamics: Investigating the influence of tectonic processes, such as plate convergence, faulting, and uplift, on the morphological evolution of Mediterranean landscapes.
3. Lithological Control on Landforms and Processes: Analyzing the role of lithological variations, including rock types and sedimentary deposits, in shaping the topography and landforms of the Mediterranean area.
4. Absolute Dating: Presenting novel applications and advancements in radiometric and trapped-charge dating methods, including luminescence, cosmogenic nuclide dating, U-series, radiocarbon dating, and their contributions to refining our understanding of landscape evolution.
5. Landscape Evolution Model: different time-scale deformation rate assessment, erosion rate, transport and sedimentation as well as identification of sedimentary flow directions.
By encouraging contributions in these topic, we aim to foster a comprehensive understanding of the complex and dynamic processes governing the geomorphological evolution of the Mediterranean region. This interdisciplinary approach will contribute to advancing our knowledge of landscape dynamics and provide valuable insights into the broader field of Earth sciences.