Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
CR1.4 | The Andean Cryosphere: water, snow, ice and climate
The Andean Cryosphere: water, snow, ice and climate
Convener: Emily PotterECSECS | Co-conveners: Charlotte CurryECSECS, Owen KingECSECS, Ethan Lee, Marcelo Somos-Valenzuela
The Andes is the longest mountain range in the world, and the climate mechanisms, cryospheric characteristics and risks to communities and ecosystems vary considerably with latitude. People, industry, agriculture, hydropower and ecosystems all rely on seasonal runoff from Andean snowpacks and glaciers. In addition, hazards such as landslides, floods related to rain on snow and glacier lake outburst floods also threaten communities living in the Andes. Climate change has depleted these snowpacks and led to glacier retreat across the Andes, which is predicted to increase in the future and both threatens water resources and changes hazard risk.

We invite submissions relating to all aspects of the Andean cryosphere in the recent past (1850 onwards), present and future. This session will bring together atmospheric and cryospheric researchers working on precipitation change, glacier modelling, mass balance and reconstruction, snowpack monitoring, and the effects of a changing cryosphere on water resources, hazards, society and ecosystems. Contributions investigating observations, modelling, mechanisms, future projections and impacts are all encouraged. We particularly welcome proposals investigating the interaction between these different fields of the Andean cryosphere.