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EMRP2.3 | Measuring, modelling and forecasting Geomagnetically Induced Currents in grounded infrastructure
Measuring, modelling and forecasting Geomagnetically Induced Currents in grounded infrastructure
Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) can damage grounded infrastructure such as high voltage transformers, oil and gas pipelines and rail networks. Understanding their impact is vital for protecting critical national infrastructure from harm and reducing any economic consequences. GICs are caused by geoelectric fields induced in the resistive subsurface of the Earth during periods of rapid change of the magnetic field, typically in geomagnetic storms; however, an increasing body of evidence shows they occur in nominally quiet times too. We seek contributions from studies that measure (directly or indirectly) or model GICs in grounded infrastructure, those assessing the potential hazard and vulnerability of the infrastructure and research to produce reliable models with which to forecast the potential effects of severe space weather events.
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