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NH3.9 | Alpine mass movements and associated hazards
Alpine mass movements and associated hazards
Convener: Andrea Manconi | Co-conveners: Federico Agliardi, Mylene Jacquemart, Chiara Crippa
Mountain regions are a complex system of different glacial, paraglacial and periglacial environments rapidly changing due to global warming. In this context, short-term landscape evolution is affected by glacier motion, by a variety of paraglacial mass movements including slow rock slope deformations, rock and debris slides, as well as by periglacial features such as rock glaciers.These mass movements are driven be different processes, evolve at different rates and can pose different risks to lives, human activities and infrastructure. With the current state of knowledge, it is very challenging to forecast the timing, location and magnitude of severe accelerations and failure events, raising important scientific and societal questions in terms of when, where and how big the next catastrophic event may be.

In this session we bring together researchers from different communities interested in a better understanding of the physical processes controlling mass movements mass around the world in glacial, paraglacial and periglacial environments, and investigating their evolution in a changing climate. We also aim at triggering discussions on effective countermeasures that can be implemented to increase preparedness and risk reduction. The selected contributions are expected to: (i) provide insights from field observations and/or laboratory experiments; (ii) apply statistical methods and/or artificial intelligence to identify and map mass movements; (iii) present new monitoring approaches (in-situ and remote sensing) applied at different spatial and temporal scales; (iv) use models (from conceptual frameworks to advanced numerical models) for the analysis and interpretation of the governing physical processes; (v) develop strategies applicable for hazard assessment and mitigation.