Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
NH10.3 | Connecting hazards, risks and impacts: pathways for systems thinking approaches
Connecting hazards, risks and impacts: pathways for systems thinking approaches
Convener: Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho | Co-conveners: Alessia Matano, Jakob Zscheischler, Anastasiya Shyrokaya, Michael Hagenlocher
The complex, dynamic nature of the interactions between natural and human systems calls for a systemic perspective when assessing hazards and the multiple, often interconnected risks associated with them as well as when designing solutions to reduce adverse impacts. While major advancements have been made over the last years in developing methods for risk and impact assessments, gaps persist when it comes to grasping the complexity of systemic risks and impacts linked to hazards and shocks and translating that knowledge into practical action and policy.

This session invites innovative research on the relationships between hydrometeorological hazards (e.g., drought, floods, heatwaves, hurricanes), systems vulnerabilities and compounding, cascading or systemic socioeconomic and environmental impacts. We welcome conceptual, methodological and empirical contributions that (i) identify causal chains and feedback loops between hazards, risks and impacts, (ii) propose innovative methods (qualitative and
quantitative) to identify cause-effect relationships between hazards, risks and impacts in time and/or space, (iii) analyze how climate variability and socioeconomic factors influence the co-occurrence of hazards/impacts, systems vulnerabilities and their cascading propagation within and across natural and human systems, (iv) propose methods to transfer this knowledge and incorporate it into decision-making processes and risk management policies, including strategies to communicate and better visualize causal relationships, and (v) make an effort to couple these cause-effect loops into climate and hydrological models.