SC4.10 | Transdisciplinary research: how to learn from each other while fostering specific expertise
Transdisciplinary research: how to learn from each other while fostering specific expertise
Co-organized by GM13
Convener: Maria Vittoria Gargiulo | Co-convener: Gaetano Pecoraro
Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room -2.61/62
Tue, 14:00
How to learn and get the key info when listening to the report of a colleague who works on
something completely different from you but on the same project? How to deliver your report so
that everyone understands you? How to find common ground for joint research which will impact
both the project and your career?
Trans-disciplinarity and cross-fertilisation are key aspects of many research projects, especially
when dealing with natural hazards. To study the natural phenomenon and evaluating hazard and
risk related to them, in fact, there is the need of many different and technical expertise. Many
European founded projects award a collaboration between hard and social science. Approaching
such complex and multifaceted topics, especially in the first phase of one’s career can be very
challenging. This short course is created by and dedicated to Early Career Scientists. The main aim
is to deliver simple but effective tools to use when working on a trans-disciplinary, cross-cultural


Expert panel

  • Transdisciplinarity & how to approach it - Maria Vittoria Gargiulo 
  • the Science /Policy Interface - Chloe Hill
  • the skills to manage and facilitate a consortium - Raffaella Russo 

Q&A and discussion 
Interactive activity 


  • Chloe Hill, European Geosciences Union, Germany
  • Raffaella Russo, University of Salerno , Italy
  • Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy