Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
EOS4.6 | Geodiversity under fire: the impact of war and postcolonial influences on geodiversity in Ukraine and other countries
Geodiversity under fire: the impact of war and postcolonial influences on geodiversity in Ukraine and other countries
Convener: Viktor BaranovECSECS | Co-convener: Pavlo OtriazhyiECSECS
The Russian-Ukrainian war has recently brought into focus a profound negative impact that armed conflict has on the preservation of geodiversity in conflict areas. In this session we propose to discuss the impact of war and post-colonial influences on geosciences. The main goal of this session is to serve as a forum to discuss the strategies of preservation of geodiversity in the conflict areas. We will promote discussion of the threats of military conflicts to geodiversity, geosciences and geoscientists, synthesising a diverse set of perspectives. We will also promote a discussion of the ethical implications of research on materials and datasets originating from the conflict zones, and role of conflicts in exclusion of the local research communities from such studies.
The session will focus on the direct war impacts on geodiversity and strategies for their mitigation, as well as on indirect impact that wars are having on the geoscience communities of the affected countries.