SC5.19 | Mastering Environmental Research through FAIR Data Integration, VREs and Open Science
Mastering Environmental Research through FAIR Data Integration, VREs and Open Science
Co-organized by ESSI6/HS11
Convener: Angeliki Adamaki | Co-conveners: Magdalena Brus, Jacco Konijn, Anca Hienola, Marta Gutierrez
Thu, 18 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 1.15/16
Thu, 19:00
In the field of environmental science and big data, mastering data integration, Virtual Research Environments (VREs), web services, and open science practices is crucial. Environmental researchers, with their expertise, address complex natural and ecological challenges. Interdisciplinary collaboration extends beyond humans; scientists and developers collaborate to enhance machine-to-machine (M2M) interactions and enable data and service interoperation across diverse technologies, including web services, in the evolving landscape of data science and technology.
Our comprehensive course brings together environmental researchers, data developers, scientists, and engineers. Through hands-on learning, we aim to deepen your understanding of data integration, VREs, web services, and their pivotal role in environmental science.
Over the past decade, scientific research has seen a revolution thanks to distributed computing infrastructure and open data concepts. Researchers now access abundant cloud computing power. Attendees will learn to find datasets (in the EOSC Marketplace or similar platforms), access EGI cloud resources, and run scientific applications in the cloud for data analysis.
The course will also address the challenges of complex and time-consuming processes when customizing and running data workflows on the cloud using Jupyter notebooks, by teaching participants key technologies for notebook containerization, workflow composition, and cloud automation in a Jupyter notebook-based VRE. We will guide attendees to explore science cases in ecology and biodiversity virtual labs, making it a comprehensive and practical learning experience.
Please remember to bring your own laptop!

Course contributors:
EGI Foundation
University of Amsterdam and LifeWatch ERIC
Lund University and ICOS Carbon Portal

In this course you'll gain skills to master data integration and key technologies for workflow composition and cloud automation. You’ll navigate Virtual Research Environments and embrace open science practices for environmental research.

Session assets