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ST3.2 | Advances in Incoherent Scatter Radar Science: Observations, Technology and Data
Advances in Incoherent Scatter Radar Science: Observations, Technology and Data
Convener: Andrew J. Kavanagh | Co-conveners: Noora Partamies, Sophie Maguire, Jade ReidyECSECS, Steve Milan
Incoherent Scatter Radars (ISR) have been at the forefront of ionospheric research for over four decades. They address science from the mesosphere to the topside ionosphere and from fundamental plasma physics to space weather research.
Recent years have seen advances in operations, technology and data processing that provides a view of an exciting future to come. Coordinated science programmes have meant that global scale questions can be answered with global scale data thanks to the World Day programme. ISR take measurements in conjunction with satellite operations to tackle long-standing problems in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. Phased Array designs have emerged, providing greater flexibility and increased data. The most recent advancement is the EISCAT-3D radar, which replaces the traditional dishes on mainland Fennoscandia. This will provide unprecedented, multi scale views of the auroral ionosphere with vast quantities of high-resolution data.
The extensive archives of data from the ISR network alongside the new high-resolution data provides opportunities for applying new ways of visualizing and analyzing, with lessons to be learnt from related disciplines. The nature of the data may be ripe for analysis with machine learning and other AI techniques.
This session welcomes contributions on all aspects of ISR science. In particular we encourage presentations on new capabilities, data handling and analysis technique that can be applied to ISR data. Coordinated multi-instrument studies and plans for future operations are also welcome.