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ST4.8 | Solar Irradiance: seconds to centuries. Measurement and modelling the solar spectrum and its variations on all timescales
Solar Irradiance: seconds to centuries. Measurement and modelling the solar spectrum and its variations on all timescales
Convener: Martin Snow | Co-conveners: Sowmya KrishnamurthyECSECS, Margit Haberreiter, Erik Richard
Disk-integrated solar irradiance is the primary input of energy to the Earth climate system. The Sun’s spectrum changes on all timescales, from seconds for space weather events to climate-relevant periods of centuries or longer. Precise estimates of the absolute irradiance and how it varies are essential for understanding the dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere. We invite contributions describing recent successes in solar irradiance observations, composite datasets, calibration reanalysis, and modelling the solar atmosphere .