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ST2.4 | Impact of dayside mesoscale transients on the near-Earth environment
Impact of dayside mesoscale transients on the near-Earth environment
Convener: Primoz Kajdic | Co-conveners: Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Savvas RaptisECSECS, Adrian LaMouryECSECS
In recent years it has become increasingly clear that some space weather phenomena, such as aurora brightenings, ULF magnetospheric Pc1-5 pulsations and even ground level geomagnetic field perturbations often occur during times of quiet solar wind conditions, in the absence of any large-scale structures, such as stream interaction regions and interplanetary coronal mass ejections... This occurs due to fact that in certain regions of the near-Earth environment, such as the foreshock, magnetosheath and magnetotail, transient structures form contributing to the onset of space weather phenomena and adding to their complexity.

The details about how such structures interact with and impact the near-Earth environment are largely still unknown. We thus welcome observational, theoretical and numerical contributions in order to discuss recent research and developments in this area and to identify key open questions for future investigations. We aim to deepen our understanding of the role of these transients in the dynamics of space weather.