Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
SSS7.8 | Reclamation, recultivation and restoration in UN decade of ecosystem restoration
Reclamation, recultivation and restoration in UN decade of ecosystem restoration
Convener: Jan Frouz | Co-convener: Gabriela Wozniak
Natural and anthropogenic ecosystem can be degraded due to intensification of land use, global change and other factors. Revival of ecosystems for the benefit of people and nature, to enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and slow the loss of biodiversity are some of the major aims of the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.
Many natural ecosystems have been converted to anthropogenic cultures (by process often called recultivation) and intensive use of these artificially managed ecosystems lead to their degradation, which in turn limits their use and ecosystem services provided. Recently, these ecosystems need to be restored or reclaimed, either to a state that will be close to natural ecosystems, or towards a more resilient version of anthropogenic ecosystems
The aim of this session will be to discuss general concept, techniques, outcomes as well as social and environmental relevance of ecosystem restoration. Contributions describing specific restoration projects or techniques as well as more general contributions are welcome.
The session is supported by the journal Land Degradation and Development, presenters are encouraged to submit their contributions to a special issue in the journal.