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ITS4.12/CL0.1.3 | Extreme events and health
Extreme events and health
Convener: Irena Kaspar-Ott | Co-conveners: Elke Hertig, Claudia Di Napoli, Ricardo Trigo
Climate change is the greatest global health threat of the 21st century. Human health is, and will be, at risk from climate change through both, direct (e.g., heat waves) and indirect (e.g., changes of air pollution) effects.

As the climate warms, more and more people will be affected by extreme events such as heat waves, floods, major hurricanes, and droughts. In this session, we want to know how extreme events have changed with warming, how they are projected to change in the future under different climate change scenarios, and most importantly, what risks they pose to human health.

We welcome contributions on atmospheric and hydrological extremes such as heat, air pollution events, heavy rain and floods, droughts, storms, and other related events like e.g., forest fires, landslides, hail, lightning. Compound events, such as the simultaneous occurrence of extreme heat and air pollution, are also of interest. The basic requirement for participation in this session is that the impact of these extreme events on health is highlighted. Contributions that examine historical exposure-health outcome-relationships, their forecasts for the near future and changes under progressive climate change are particularly welcome.