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ITS1.21/TS9.2 | Multi- inter- and transdisciplinary studies in solid Earth science and beyond: challenges and new perspectives.
Multi- inter- and transdisciplinary studies in solid Earth science and beyond: challenges and new perspectives.
Convener: Carine Bruyninx | Co-conveners: Federica Tanlongo, Fabio Feriozzi, Kauzar Saleh Contell, Jan Michalek
The advancement of Open Science and the affordability of computing services
allow for the discovery and processing of large amounts of information, boosting the integration of data from different scientific domains and blurring the traditional boundaries between them. However these data come from diverse sources, and are often heterogeneous in format and provenance. Thus, the capacity to combine them and extract new knowledge to address scientific and societal problems relies on data standardisation, integration and interoperability.

Key enablers of the OS paradigm are Research infrastructures (RI), of which EPOS, the pan-European RI for solid Earth science (, is an example. By making available data and research products thanks to decades of work on data standardisation, integration and interoperability, they enable scientists to combine heterogeneous data from different disciplines and data sources into innovative research by using novel approaches to solve scientific and societal questions.

However, while data-driven science is ripe with opportunity to ground-breaking inter- and transdisciplinary results, many challenges and barriers still exist that can hamper disclosing the full potential of these opportunities.

In this session we want to explore real-life scientific studies and research experiences from scientists and young researchers in solid Earth science. We will be focussing not only on results, but also on discussing the way forward to overcome the challenges experienced by these researchers in connection to data availability, collection, processing, and interpretation, and application of inter-disciplinary methods.

A non-exhaustive list of examples of topics for contributions includes:
- multi-disciplinary studies, involving data from different disciplines, e.g. combining seismology, geodesy, and petrology to understand subduction zone dynamics;
- inter-disciplinary works, integrating two or more disciplines seeking to create fresh approaches to new challenges, e.g. merging geophysics and geochemistry to probe mantle plumes;
- trans-disciplinary experiences that surpass disciplinary boundaries entirely, integrating paradigms and engaging stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, e.g. bringing together geologists, social scientists, civil engineers and urban planners to define risk maps and risk prevention measures in urban planning, or studies combining volcanology, atmospheric, health and climate sciences.