Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.
GI2.1 | Data and Information Services for Interdisciplinary Research and Applications in Earth Science
Data and Information Services for Interdisciplinary Research and Applications in Earth Science
Convener: Sebastien Payan | Co-conveners: Hela Mehrtens, Wolfgang zu Castell
Research in Earth and environmental sciences benefits from interdisciplinary approaches (e.g. to understand and model multi-scale processes). The study of complex environmental processes may involve diverse collections of samples and associated field or laboratory measurements, sensors, remote sensing data, across international dimensions. Research benefits from practices that use easily-portable and reproducible tools and techniques. Best practices of sharing our data and software are now well-established and the earth science community needs to move forward with generally accepted methodologies of software and data distribution that can expand easily to include complex system and multi-domain challenges.

This session seeks innovative presentations for interdisciplinary research and applications, including but not limited to, on Earth Science data and service activities. Presentations addressing the specific societal needs, best practices, learned lessons and new challenges in data provenance, information access, visualization, and analysis, are highly encouraged, as well as presentation on the ways to adopt FAIR data principles towards sustainable solutions in Earth Science and the path to open science are . Discussion of challenges for future data services or European infrastructure are also welcome.