Meeting of the International Commission on Human-Water Feedbacks of IAHS
Heidi Kreibich
Wed, 17 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST) Room 2.61
Wed, 12:45
We focus on the feedbacks between humans and water over decadal and centennial time scales. We therefore mainly consider changes that involve a two-way coupling between human actions and water quantity and quality, i.e. how the water environment and humans coevolve. We are inclusive and interdisciplinary and invite all interested people, regardless of their field, be it social sciences, economics, engineering, hydrology, etc., from all career levels and regardless of memberships in commissions or IAHS.
Come to our splinter meeting when interested in collaborating and discussing on Human-Water Feedbacks, e.g. sharing knowledge, information, papers and organise joint studies and activities.