SPM6 | 'The Legacy of Mountain Glaciations' – opportunities to revive the perspective of a collaborative research network?
'The Legacy of Mountain Glaciations' – opportunities to revive the perspective of a collaborative research network?
Convener: Stefan Winkler
Wed, 17 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Wed, 12:45
Some years ago a group of interested geoscientists aimed to establish an international research network related to the topic "mountain glaciations". Two application for a COST action to create such a network have been prepared and submitted, unfortunately without success but with partly encouraging feedback. After pausing all related activies during the Covid 19 pandemic, the former coordinators of these applications want to utilise the opportunity that many previously involved or potentially interested colleagues will gather at the EGU General Assembly to discuss possibilities of a future revival of such activities in whatever format. This splinter meeting will be related to a proposed scientific session at EGU and should make former and potential future directions of this initiative public.

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