SPM8 | Allin Wayra: small sensors for atmospheric science (IGAC Activity)
Allin Wayra: small sensors for atmospheric science (IGAC Activity)
Convener: Erika von Schneidemesser | Co-convener: Sebastian Diez
Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.61
Wed, 10:45
Allin-Wayra is the new IGAC Activity on small sensors. Do you use low-cost sensors or small small sensors in your atmospheric science research? Would you like to connect with others in the community? Then come to our splinter meeting and learn more about Allin Wayra, what we offer and how you can be involved. Our mission is to construct a diverse, inclusive, global community of practice around small sensors. Allin Wayra aims to advance knowledge and responsible use of small sensors in air quality and atmospheric science, with a particular focus on regions lacking air quality measurements. In the context of the activity, we will also address urgent issues related to small sensors in atmospheric science, foster capacity, and champion accessibility through collaborative initiatives. Learn more, provide input on directions for the activity and exchange with colleagues.