SPM15 | AdriaArray splinter meeting (by invitation only)
AdriaArray splinter meeting (by invitation only)
Convener: Petr Kolínský | Co-conveners: Thomas Meier, Carlo Cauzzi
Thu, 18 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Thu, 19:00
We will report on the status of AdriaArray – a seismic experiment to cover the Adriatic Plate and its actively deforming margins by a dense broad-band seismic network. We will discuss the time schedule, participating institutions, mobile station pools, maps of temporary station distribution, station coverage, data transmission and access. We will also report on the work of Collaborative Research Groups. Invited scientific contributions will be presented during the splinter meeting too. We will share the outcomes of the AdriaArray meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, 12. - 15. March 2024.