SPM20 | Intergrating Science into the EU’s Nature Restoration Law
Intergrating Science into the EU’s Nature Restoration Law
Convener: Chloe Hill | Co-conveners: Bikem Ekberzade, A. Rita Carrasco, Felicia Olufunmilayo Akinyemi
Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Wed, 16:15
The European Union’s proposed Nature Restoration Law aims to provide essential guidance and support to restore ecosystems, habitats, and species across the EU’s land and sea areas. Expertise from researchers has played a vital role in creating and supporting this legislation that not only aims to restore degraded ecosystems but also improve soil health and water management, support the mitigation of climate change, and increase Europe’s resilience to droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events.

During this interactive session, experts involved in the creation of the EU Nature Restoration Law will share insights on the legislation process, the decisions that were taken, how scientific information was used to support the process, and what the next steps will be. Members of the EGU Biodiversity Task Force will also share their experiences engaging with this policy and the lessons that they learned along the way.

This session will not only provide participants with information on the Nature Restoration Law but also on how scientists can engage with the European Parliament in other legislative areas.