SPM22 | Creating science for policy initiatives within your own institutions
Creating science for policy initiatives within your own institutions
Convener: Chloe Hill | Co-conveners: Adam Izdebski, Adriano Sofo, Emmanuel Salmon
Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Wed, 10:45
This interactive Short Course will provide practical examples from EGU’s Policy Programme - including the Science-Policy Pairing Scheme, Science for Policy Working Group, and Biodiversity Task Force - and explain how these initiatives can be replicated.

During the first half of this session, leaders from these initiatives will be invited to present their experiences and give practical insights from the lessons that they learned. Session participants will then be invited to share their own experiences and brainstorm potential methods of creating science-policy spaces and dialogues within their own scientific organisations and research institutes.

Please bring questions and some of the challenges that you or your organisation is experiencing so that these can be discussed!


  • Chloe Hill: EGU Policy Manager
  • Annegret Larsen: Wageningen University
  • Megan O'Donnell: Head of Policy and Communications, Geological Society of London
  • Juha-Pekka Jäpölä: Project Officer, DG ECHO, European Commission

Session assets