SPM38 | Open source & open-data approaches for gravitational mass flow simulation tools
Open source & open-data approaches for gravitational mass flow simulation tools
Convener: Anna Wirbel | Co-conveners: Jan-Thomas Fischer, Julia Kowalski, Martin Mergili
Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Tue, 14:00
This splinter meeting will host an open discussion on open source and benchmarking-ready open-data approaches for simulation tools in the field of gravitational mass flows. We want to, but not exclusively, discuss the following: i) benchmarking and model/simulation comparison, ii) open-data common data formats, iii) cascading processes, slow-flows, deformation control and iv) modes of communicating results, including virtual reality interfaces and probabilistic hazard maps.