TM9 | Co-designing strategies for global collaboration: the EPOS and AuScope perspective
Co-designing strategies for global collaboration: the EPOS and AuScope perspective
Convener: Carmela Freda | Co-conveners: Tim Rawling, Otto Lange, Rebecca Farrington, Helen Glaves
Tue, 16 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.95
Tue, 19:00
Research Infrastructures organise and integrate data, products and services belonging to many diverse scientific communities and generated by hundreds of research organisations distributed across regions and countries. This creates wide virtual research environments and untaps the potential of enormous amounts of data and resources for single researchers and teams, but also for other stakeholders, from industry to the society at large.
EPOS and AuScope share the vision of addressing the global challenge of open science to serve the interests of all potential stakeholders, thus enabling equitable and inclusive research in geoscience. We have identified key areas to be addressed for enhancing global collaboration amongst infrastructures, namely governance and sustainability, policies for data management, IT architecture, strategies for engaging users and policy-makers, plans for education and training, including non-scientific audiences, and ethics.
We believe that the collaborative approach is the ideal solution for addressing these topics, and we are already working towards the development and adoption of common practices, solutions, and services.
By presenting the EPOS and AuScope experience, we hope to inspire other research infrastructures worldwide and pave the way for the development of a Global Research Infrastructure for geosciences.
Open to anyone interested in sharing experiences as a user, data provider or research infrastructure manager, this interactive session aims to provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices in co-designing strategies for global collaboration.

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