TM17 | Building your professional network in the Geoscience Industry
Building your professional network in the Geoscience Industry
Convener: Rufai Omowunmi Balogun
Wed, 17 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room K1
Wed, 19:00
"With the emergence of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and computing infrastructures like the GPUs/TPUs, the geoscience industry is experiencing a paradigm shift. In this way, the industry is at a cusp of merging and collaborating with new fields and working on many transdisciplinary sciences and challenges. In addition to this, climate change, environmental and humanitarian crisis, and other persistent challenges in the 21st century draws from multiple industries that harnesses the expertise of many geosciences professional.
Hence, developing a career in this industry demands both a strong technical depth in a discipline as well as the soft skills of collaboration and working with people and organizations across different themes, countries, and core expertise. When well-developed, these skills often pay off its dividends in providing an enriching network of professionals that can be leveraged for learning, collaboration, and accessing relevant opportunities. While these networks are well-within reach, especially with the presence of social media, it is often a challenge for young professionals and students to get a long enriching relationship outside of a formal education (advisor/ student relationship) or a job. Hence, in this townhall meeting, we aim to bridge this knowledge gap through a panel discussion and a corresponding question and answer session on how young professionals can best engage with technical societies, reach out to mentors, and forge relationships with project partners in industry. The meeting will introduce participants to the suites of programs provided by technical societies like the GRSS and EGU for young professionals as well as growing initiatives for Women like the Ladies of Landsat, Sisters of SAR and Women in Geospatial that can be leveraged for developing their professional network.
We anticipate students (MScs and PhDs) and young professionals within the first 10 years of active professional experience since their last degree to participate in this meeting. Our goal is to provide them with useful tools and mental models for cultivating a collaborative and enriching network for themselves as well as better engage with people they will meet during the EGU24 as a starting point for what they’ve learned."

Session assets


  • Chloe Hill, European Geosciences Union, Germany
  • Steven C Reising, Colorado State University, United States of America
  • Linda Toca, The James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom
  • Joe Flasher, Amazon Web Services, Germany
  • Mathieu Gravey, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
  • Stephanie Tumampos, IEEE GRSS, Germany