TM20 | Blue Carbon in the Global Ocean
Blue Carbon in the Global Ocean
Convener: William Austin | Co-convener: Kirsten Isensee
Wed, 17 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room K2
Wed, 19:00
"The UN Ocean Decade Programme for Blue Carbon in the Global Ocean (GO-BC), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Foundation Prince Albert II, and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO) propose to co-host a Townhall Meeting to promote the fundamental values of science (biogeochemistry, ecology, oceanography, etc.) which are increasingly required to deliver the evidence that underpins policy change, supports a just transition, and creates credible and emergent nature-based solutions that are necessary to achieve meaningful and lasting ocean solutions.

A science-focused dialogue on blue carbon opportunities and challenges will be particularly timely at EGU2024, demonstrating how blue carbon initiatives can benefit climate, people, and nature.

This Townhall Meeting will bring together leading blue carbon researchers and support a growing interest in blue carbon science among EGU participants - reflected in a growing number of scientific publications, science sessions, and the emergent JPI-Oceans scoping of blue carbon and establishment of a European blue carbon knowledge hub in 2023/24.

Panelists will be solicited widely to ensure that the dialogue captures and articulates the ethos and value of fundamental scientific research; the need to support (and fund) blue skies research; the value of investment in early career researchers as future ocean leaders; the opportunities and added value of engaging local communities (and youth) as meaningful project research partners; the need for regional knowledge hubs to be established and to share best practice and scientific skills to build in-country capacity and knowledge; and the growing need for an ocean science community who understand and are prepared to engage with policy makers and others to effect fundamental changes in the management of our seas which are informed by the best scientific evidence and understanding of our Ocean’s role in the wider Earth Support System upon which we all depend.

Please join us for updates in Vienna, including news from two major Horizon Europe blue carbon projects launching in early 2024, as well as the JPI-Oceans blue carbon initiative for the European Area.

All are welcome (science , media, and policy); refreshments will be provided.

Please note - if you would like to make a brief intervention or announcement during this Town Hall Meeting, please contact one of the session conveners in advance at the e-mail addresses shown or directly to the GO-BC secretariat, by e-mailing If you or your organization would like to co-sponsor the event, please contact William Austin directly, by e-mailing"