SPM107 | Special issue discussion: Carbon sequestration in soils: organic and inorganic mechanisms of increasing soil carbon stocks as a pathway to net zero and improved soil functioning
Special issue discussion: Carbon sequestration in soils: organic and inorganic mechanisms of increasing soil carbon stocks as a pathway to net zero and improved soil functioning
Convener: Chris McCloskey | Co-conveners: Daniel Evans, Felix Seidel, Laura Schnee
Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–10:15 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Thu, 08:30
A meeting to discuss the potential for a special issue in SOIL based on oral and poster presentations from session SSS5.2 - Carbon sequestration in soils: organic and inorganic mechanisms of increasing soil carbon stocks as a pathway to net zero and improved soil functioning. Others who are interested in proposing a paper in this area who did not present in SSS5.2 are also very welcome to attend.

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