PC3 | Unveiling Antarctica’s secrets: new research brings us one step closer to predicting the future of the icy continent
Unveiling Antarctica’s secrets: new research brings us one step closer to predicting the future of the icy continent
Convener: Hazel Gibson
Tue, 16 Apr, 10:00–11:00 (CEST)
Press centre
Tue, 10:00
In this press conference, we present ground-breaking research findings that shed light on environmental change in Antarctica. In one study from the highly-studied Brunt Ice Shelf, researchers are combining ice cores, seismic surveys and modelling techniques to unravel the mysteries of iceberg calving, providing valuable insights into the processes driving this phenomenon. A second study, part of the UK-US-led International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration used seismic surveys to visualise the bedrock beneath Thwaites Glacier. The results of this study will feed into models which will give us new insights into the future of this unstable glacier. These studies represent significant strides in our understanding of the changes taking place in Antarctica, and their potential implications for global sea level rise.

Olaf Eisen
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Germany

Rob Larter, Emma Pearce, Liz Thomas, Oliver Marsh
British Antarctic Survey, United Kingdom

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