PC6 | Preparing for our hot and windy future
Preparing for our hot and windy future
Convener: Hazel GibsonECSECS
Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:00 (CEST)
Press centre
Wed, 14:00
In this press conference, scientists explain how Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps to keep track of tropical-like cyclones across the Mediterranean Sea, so-called ‘Medicanes’, and how having a truly in-depth look at damage datasets can actually prevent financial losses when windstorms hit Europe. Researchers will also outline how climate models are underestimating summer warming in Western Europe, and that recently observed extreme heatwaves will likely be dwarfed by future events.

Javier Martinez-Amaya
Image Processing Laboratory, University of Valencia, Spain

Dominik L. Schumacher
Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Julia Moemken
Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Philipp Aglas-Leitner
Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Australia