SPM147 | Copernicus Publications and PubCom meet ECS: what to keep, drop, improve in OA publishing?
Copernicus Publications and PubCom meet ECS: what to keep, drop, improve in OA publishing?
Convener: Eduardo Queiroz Alves | Co-conveners: Barbara Ervens, Thies Martin Rasmussen
Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:30 (CEST)
Room 2.32
Tue, 14:00
The EGU Publications Committee (PubCom) and Copernicus Publications would like to expand the discussions about open access publishing to include the perspectives of ECS from all disciplines. We are interested in hearing your ideas and suggestions for improvements in publications-related activities within EGU. This interactive session will have the format of a discussion, where the ECS will be able to express their thoughts and ask any questions they may have. Journal editors and anyone interested in the topic are also welcome to join us.