
Nature of the deep lithospheric mantle and interactions at the Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
Convenor: Sonja Aulbach 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 04 Sep, 10:00–16:30  / Room H 3
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 04 Sep, 17:00–18:30  / Poster Area

This session invites contributions relating to

(1) the definition and nature of the deep lithospheric mantle and the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) in the Earth's mantle,

(2) the feedbacks between partial melting, fluids transport, and deformation in the LAB,

(3) the petrological or structural processes that may account for the seismological LAB,

(4) petrological and geochemical evidence for the nature and consequences of plume-lithosphere interactions, leading to metasomatism and ultimate destruction of lithosphere,

(5) recognising the fingerprints, origin and consequences of the asthenospherisation of lithospheric mantle, and

(6) sublithospheric and lithospheric contributions to the genesis of alkaline ultramafic rocks, and their relationship to plumes and rifting events.

This session aims to bring together geochemists, geophysicists, petrologists, and experimentalists to discuss their latest results on the nature of the deep lithospheric mantle and the origin and nature of lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions.

Keynote talk: V. Soustelle (Bayerisches GeoInstitut) - Interactions between deformation and reactive melt percolation in the upper mantle: constraints from D-Dia and multi-anvil experiments at high pressure and temperature