
Fluid release, fluid flow and mass transfer in metamorphic environments: nature and modelling
Convenors: Timm John , Peter Tropper 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 03 Sep, 09:45–16:30  / Room H 6
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 03 Sep, 17:00–18:30  / Poster Area

The session aims to gather contributions from various fields and disciplines to improve our understanding of the following aspects:
(1) the genesis metamorphic fluid phases,
(2) the composition and physical state of metamorphic fluids
(3) the major pathways for fluid flow in crust and mantle,
(4) the chemical exchange between rocks, minerals and fluids leading to element transfer in key geodynamic environments and governing element cycling in earth;
(5) the relationships between fluids and deformation;
(6) timing and duration of fluid-rock interaction in crystalline rocks

We wish to bring together petrologists, geochemists, experimentalists and geophysicists to discuss their recent results achieved through field-based, experimental and modelling studies.

Keynote speakers:
Håkon Austrheim, University of Oslo, Norway: Earthquakes and fluid
induced high grade metamorphism

Nadia Malaspina, University Milano Bicocca, Italy:
C-O-H metasomatism and redox processes in the mantle at subduction zones