
Evolution of the continental crust
Convenor: Nick Roberts 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 05 Sep, 11:15–14:45  / Room H 5
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 04 Sep, 17:00–18:30  / Poster Area

This session will deal with all aspects of crust formation and re-working through time, from the beginning of the Earth’s crustal evolution in the Hadean until present. We will explore how direct observations from the rock record, insights from theoretical models, and experimental results can be used to provide constraints on the origin and evolution of the continental crust. We welcome contributions that may address the following issues: geodynamic conditions of crust formation, composition of the crust through time, the implications of a non-chondritic Earth on crustal growth models, rates of crust generation, re-working and destruction through time, mechanisms of crust formation and stabilization, and perspectives on any other aspect of Earth's evolution.